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Position:Home>Philosophy> If "they" do not allow us to protect ourselves, should "they"

Question: If "they" do not allow us to protect ourselves, should "they" protect us!?
But if "they" don't protect us, and punish us for trying to protect ourselves, what should we do!?

"They" = whatever you want to imagine!.

Does every human have the right to protect themselves!? Is it not tyranny when we are not allowed to, and even greater tyranny when they promise to protect us, but don't!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ah the individuals cost of governmental oversight with the intention of providing safety and security! I can't afford it at any cost!

We have drifted so far away from the concept of self determination and personal freedoms in the name of safety and security, it would have ole Benny boy rolling in his patriotic grave!

I want to see the law suit makes the claim, had the police arrived on scene at the moment of need my ______ would still be alive!
If we can not provide protection to our well being, the well being of our families and homes and we are mandated to only escape or flee when in harms way!. Then the criminal element has truly more rights then you or I!.

But heck if this makes everyone "feel" good!. We truly have lost the spirit and conviction this country was founded on!.

Oh and to the person who thinks them is all in your mind!. I guess it's all in my mind that my mom was raped, my son has third degree burn scars on his face and chest and that the mother of my second grandchild is in jail for breaking into a home to steal drugs and money!.
The fact is, is that there are bad people out there that are willing to do anything to get what they want!. With a society unwilling to allow it's citizens the ability to protect themselves from them!. We give credeance and allow the criminal element to prosper!. Fear is a real motivation!. If a criminal fears one possible victom he moves to the next!. If a criminal fears all potential victoms, he (or she) presues a safer job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

every human has the right to protect themselves!. if they do not protect you then it is up to you to protect yourself!. To protect ourselves we use the fight or flight technique!. Either way, it is our decission wether we want to allow someone else to protect us or whether we want to take actions in our own hand!. of course that is just personally speaking!. when we decided to go against the law to protect ourselves that is another matter, because laws are set for a reason even if they do not seem to work for you in your current situation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Initially you rebel against 'them" in attempt to protect yourself from 'them'!.!.!.as it had been said the best defense is an attack!.!.!.it is a vicious circle you put yourself in!. Imagine, what you will do if there is no 'them'" It is unimaginable, "them' always will be there in different form or appearances!.!.!.May be them just reflecting you!? May be there is no "them"in truth but you only!? may be you compulsively protecting yourself from yourself, as anyone else!? Well it had been said that things happen only in a mind!.!.!.let me add to that wisdom; things exist only in a mind and nowhere else!.!.!.literally!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one has the right, and no one should have the authority to tell us we can't defend ourselves!. It is tyranny and empty promises!. How can the police (or who ever) ALWAYS be there to protect us!. By design, they respond AFTER something has already occurred and usually are not there to prevent it from happening in the first place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Second Amendment Guarantee's us the right to protect ourselves however all these gun bans are pretty much saying you are not responsible enough to protect yourselves!. So we the Government will and this is a big mistake!. Once we give up the responsibility to protect ourselves we will start to lose other liberties such as the first amendment!.

We have a god given right to defend ourselves!. We can ban all guns and crime rate will rise!. The reason is you have taken arms away from responsible citizens and leave them defenseless while the Criminals who are already under their own gun ban carry anyways and will continue to victimize people!.

For Every gun that is taken out of the law abiding citizens hands through the legislation and laws that are passed!. The people who supported and passed those laws have blood on their hands!.

I have chosen to take responsibility for my life and I have a fire arm!. I do not seek out to use my fire arm and I go out of my way to not have to think about using it!. I do not want to hurt people because life is so very important to me!. So important that the thought of using this tool is only to ensure my own life!. This is the way most law abiding citizens think and when you disarm us!. we won't just have schools to worry about shootings because everywhere will be a gun free zone!. I am going to school for criminal justice and one thing I am learning is laws are there to protect criminals!. Gun bans to me mean the people behind it are Pro Criminal!. Scientific research has shown crime increases in nations such as Australia and Brittan!.

In D!.C!. gun crime rose after the gun ban!. In Massachusetts where I live crime is on the rise!. In Georgia they passed a law where people must have a gun in every home!. They do not enforce this law but Crime has plummeted compared to the rest of the country!.

They will never be able to protect us!. Not all of us no matter how hard they try!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's our God-given and state-given right to protect ourselves!. It's the law!. But you're right: sometimes it requires a good lawyer to defend our rights!. It's just the way it is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To protect is to attack!. It comes from fear!.Your fear is evident!. When you no longer need to protect, your faith is restored in God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's all about who you want to trust your life over to i guess!. if you trust no one to protect you, then you!.!.!.fight for "freedom"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think we should protect ourselves!.
We rely too heavily on "them" to protect us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You don't need to ask "them" for permission to protect yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.wow!!!!.!.!.that sure woke me UP!.!.!.

!.!.!.you're right!.!.!.and!.!.!.you're wrong!.!.!.

!.!.!.having said all that!.!.!.it always comes down to the situation or moment!.!.!.kill or be killed!.!.!.then YOU react!.!.!.

!.!.!.the decision is YOURS!.!.!.good luck!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes it would seem death in the only escape!.

''Atheists are the devils seed'!.''Www@QuestionHome@Com

What about if you imagine that there isn't a "they"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

was that much more than just a rhetorical questionWww@QuestionHome@Com

one thruth is'fear no man!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am way too stoned to understand what you just askedWww@QuestionHome@Com