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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do people have an ethical responsibility to pay child support and if so, how can

Question: Do people have an ethical responsibility to pay child support and if so, how can they be convinced!?
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Whether you decide beforehand or not, bringing a child into this world automatically places you responsible for its well being (and I mean both partners)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

With every action, there is a reaction!. Cause and effect!. When having sex you have to keep in mind that there is a chance that you will become a parent and no matter how unfair or unexpected that child or reaction is does not give you the right to just shrug it away!. Once you make the choice to be sexually active you are now responsible for the fruit of your actions!. And yes, some people are that irresponsible that the only way you came make them take account of their responsibilities is to guilt trip them into it!. There are two people involved in whatever happens, I mean abortions are always an option and if that is what he wanted you to do then it kind of changes the situation because YOU are then the one who made the decision to keep the child, whether you think it is morally wrong (which it's not, there is a time for these things) or not, that person (in that case) has expressed their opinion/choice in the matter and you are now forcing it on them!. But if both of you willingly had a child or an abortion was not mentioned then that person has to grow up and face the fact that he is a daddy whether he likes it or not!. Hope this helps!.
A lawyer is pretty convincing!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

is mother and fathers responsibility to pay child's support for the child that they bring in this world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com