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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are some people on YA dangerously dishonest?

Question: Are some people on YA dangerously dishonest!?
I have noticed some who present under a name and behave inappropriately, offend and insult others and then come back under different names to try and defend the 1st individuals actions!. I know of a couple of people who have truly been mislead and hurt by this type of behavior!. I think it borders on being dangerous as they may lull certain naive persons in to exposing their personal feelings only to use it against them later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well that's the beauty of online, cyber, virtual identity!.!.!. you can have many identities and be as honest or dishonest as you like and the only repercussions are deletions, reports and cyber death at the hands of the Y!A totalitarians!

I have been impersonated and have been reported and deleted many many times!.!.!. however, what people need to realize is that cyber reincarnation exists!.!.!. I am approximately the 60th reincarnation of my original cyber self!.!.!.

Take everything with a grain of sand!.!.!. but believe it or not!.!.!. I will make an effort to find God (even though I see absolutely no reasin to believe that he/she/it exists) and to inform and entertain and insult and mock and kill time when bored at work!!!!

!.!.!. but the naive young girls and boys on Y!A MUST not fall prey to the pedophiles out there!. Especially when you get the "am i pretty!?!?!?" type questions in "singles and dating", "fashion", "polls and surveys" sections!.!.!.

If people used their brains more than their honest hearts on Y!A then they wont be, as you say, "lulled"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have noticed it as well!. There are some people who find the security on the internet, safe behind their screen and a cure to their ignorant humor and intelligence!. I have seen answers on here that were just beyond rude!. In my opinion if you cannot say something constructive to someone then why find it a game to use sarcastic ignorance to heighten your ego--- the single word that comes to mind is maturity!.

You are right that some people may be naive and others feed off of that, seeing it as a weakness and a tool to use later when their insecurity needs another boast!. Unfortunately, one individual is not able to control the actions of others (or the intelligence and maturity level of others as well), therefore, it is best to think before you speak and come to acceptance that the internet can be entertainment, but when used carelessly has its own consequences as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you just answered your own question!. Obviously, people need to understand the risks of using the internet and that means being prepared to understand the difference between these said people and others who aren't 'dangerous'!. There is always the risk of being mislead and there is no way to get out of that!. It is, like said before, a fantasy escape for people to act as they wish without being seen and that means acting with good intentions or bad!. It's risky, just like any other aspect of life!. We all just have to know the risks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Something cannot be "dangerous" over the internet unless it involves giving someone your home address or some equivalent piece of vital information!. Insults are not "dangerous"!. And if you don't want information to be "used against you" than don't post it!. Personally, I have never noticed people using multiple accounts for that purpose and if you are just guessing that they're doing this, my guess would be you are being paranoid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

once someone asked a question concerning their health and someone thought it would be funny to give a dangerously bad answer!.!.i mean what if that person actually took their advice and died!?! i think that if you cant provide a REAL answer and it could be dangerous if they took your answer seriously!.!.!.then don't bother answering the question, and just go to Polls & Surveys to kid around!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont like how people do that either, but the person who asks the question should be able to not take the advice!. i hate when people do that, and i dont think they should be allowed to!. advice is like giving a person food!. if they want it, they will take it, if not, they will just say no!. i do know what you mean though, and i agree with you too!.
have a wonderful day!

Yes and this happens in real life

first you expose your personal feelings

and then people use it agains you

People should learn that the internet is not

safe as there is DANGER on here and not

everyone is to be trusted!.!.!.this should keep

a lot of underage kids off hereWww@QuestionHome@Com

Of course! Its online!! Most believe as long as you don't see their face they can go around insulting people because in the "real" world they feel they are nothing, so, what better way to feel "greater" than they really are, but to be losers and do it online!. Don't worry about them, they have problems of their own which they need to resolve, that is why most aren't happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I want to firstly thank you hydropro for posting this question, which is bringing in some vital information!.

And thanks to the answerer's because I learned some new info!. from this post!.

My answer is yes, of course there are some scum bag freaks lurking around any space!. Whether it be work space, neighborhood space, or cyberspace; WE should always be precautious when dealing with strangers!.

Thanks to all of you for reminding me of the seriousness of freaks@cyberspace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good question H!., "The Curse of the Net"!.Thanks for reminding us that there are folks out there that do not wish us well, but only seek to exploit, pull down, and if possible, destroy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

people online in general are dishonest, they use it as a fantasy or escape!. Please don't believe what people tell you!. There are some good, don't get me wrong, but there are also alot of bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You may just have something there! This has been done to me and I didn't even know it - until you brought this up! It should seriously be looked into! :(
I know of at least one person doing this!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I think any one should use caution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, that's why I say be very careful on hereWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes they are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com