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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why am I born ugly? who's fault is it? whom to blame? is it my fault??my par

Question: Why am I born ugly!? who's fault is it!? whom to blame!? is it my fault!?!?my parent!? universal law!? or even God!?!?
Why am I born ugly!? who's fault is it!? whom to blame!? is it my fault!?!?my parent!? gene!?!? universal law/Consciousness or God!?!? Damn I really want to born again if only I could!.
I'm serious!.!.!. I'm not a normal looking guy who wants to be a handsome guy!. I'm damn ugly,ugly!!!!. I'm sure I can win American's most ugliest guy prize!.
I've never had a girl friend even though I'm 30!. I hate my parent and I hate God! who should I blame!? I know it's lame but my question is,,, is there a next life!? I realllllllly dream to born again handsome!.I want to revenge to those girls who had rejected me just because I'm ugly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well first of all calm down! You are putting way too much stock into appearance!. I feel like a few girls really hurt you and for that I'm so sorry, but revenge is never the answer!. If you are the kind of person that would want to hurt someone to make yourself feel better maybe those girls had good reason not to want to date you!. I think though your saying revenge because your so hurt when in reality you want to say someone love me!. I know it's tough and ugly is by society's standards so forgive you parents and God!. I don't think I'm ugly and it's still hard for me too, I've been rejected very harshly by people who are just mean!. So I do understand but keep your head up love ultimately comes from with in because the finest person in the world can be ugly if they are an *** and the ugliest person can become beautiful if that is what's inside!. Life is no fairy tale I know but believe love and you will attain it , don't be so angry!. You didn't walk the first or second or even third time you tried!.!.!.!.keep trying you can do it! I will be remembering you in my prayers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

U may be surprised to know that girls dont care about looks if you have the charisma and charm!.
Why do you think girls are in awe of any hollywood actor/celebrity!? !.
Charisma, humor, confidence, dressing, my friend works wonders with girls!.
So dont care about your looks!. Never lose your confidence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't you just love how people say "it's not your outter looks that matter" I get so annoyed by people who say things like that!. The average person is concerned with looks!. You should blame society for being so shallow, and talking a mess but not living by it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not your outer looks that matters, it's your inner magnificence!. Only idiots really care how a person looks!. Wise people look at your character!. And it depends on what you look at!. There might be a next life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

weeeell, you may be ugly, but you're not dead! so pull it together and make the best of it!. this is the only life you'll get!. life gives you lemons!.!.!.
my sister was gorgeous!. died at 17 of bone cancer!. she had been sick since 14!.
don't waste yourself! do what you need to do, refocus if you can, get help or get surgery if you must, but don't waste it! is this all your life is about!? pretty soon you'll be old and you'll look behind on nothingWww@QuestionHome@Com

If there is another life, you'll be even uglier, if you really are even ugly!. Because you're not learning from this life!. We're here to learn grow and do some good in our lifetime!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You sound like someone who only judges others by their looks!.
Don't give too much credit towards vanity!. It's the content of your character that attracts the best people!.

There's a saying; "You can eithjer be right in life or you can be happy"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is a gift!. All life!.
When we stand in negative judgment of our life, we have despised the gift!.

(Consider deciding for yourself that you will not be ugly!. See how this may change things for you!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

no one is born ugly!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. GOD made everyone Beautiful!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Find out who you are!. Not solely based on your looks!. Express yourself through your appearance!. (not necessarily fashion!.!.!.!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ever heard of cosmetic surgeons!?Www@QuestionHome@Com


You are here to learn to forgive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try out for Extreme Makeover!.!.!.if you're that ugly they will snap you up in a flash!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nobody is born ugly!. It's the inner beauty that matters!. Once you start to be grateful for the precious gift of life, then you might start to see yourself differently!. You should think of yourself as being beautiful, soon everyone will find you beautiful!. It's all in the thought!. Don't give up on love!. You just have not found the right girl who can appreciate you!. You need to work on your self-confidence!. That's what's going to win a girl's heart!. Please, do me a favor!. Stop telling yourself that you're ugly because you're not!. If you believe that you're ugly, then the whole world will believe it as well!. Please, change the thought process okay!. Be good to yourself!. You deserve better than that!. Thank you so much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Grow up and be mature!. God doesn't exist!. I can't believe you still believe in fairytales!. I'm an ugly devil, but I came to grips with it instead of trying to cover it up with some christian bull$hit like "It's what's on the inside that matters"!. As soon as I got over it, I began to lift like crazy, and now I'm ripped!. I'm going to medical school soon and I'm going to making a ton of money!. That's how you get girls!. F u c k them and throw them away like garbage!. Is it fair!? No!. But neither is the fact that we were born ugly!. Don't EVER hate your parents!. They are the only thing that I care about in this ugly world!. I would put my life down for them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all, there is nothing inherent about beauty or ugliness!. They only have a subjective social definition!. As humans we tend to designate what is asymmetrical as beautiful!. Sad as it is!. Ours are civilizations of errors and mistakes!.

The reason , may be why you feel deeply about your looks are how other people respond to it!. Do you really wanna give them that much power over you to affect you psyche!? Lift yourself beyond that!. If a person judges you by how you look, my friend, that person is not right for you in the first place!. There are other qualities you have that you can use to connect to other people!. Your intellect!. Your personality!. Your smile!. Your character!. We humans love to feel better about ourselves by looking down on other people!. You should do the same- only by using your smarts!.

Can you write a newspaper article!? Can you act!? Can you develop computer skills and write a fabulous software program!? Can you create a philosophy of life , or a scientific theory that no one has ever thought of before!?

For others to love you, You have to love yourself first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Buddy, let me tell you something!. I am an averagely good looking guy but with what I've seen, looks really don't matter! I've seen beautiful girls hook up with not so good looking guys (I hate to use the term ugly)!.!.!.All that matters is your attitude and conversational style!!

If you want to score with a girl, be cool and be friendly, you will definitely get noticed! When was the last time you walked up to a girl and introduced yourself to her!? Just don't have sex on your mind (It might come later)!.!.!.

I can bet my money on saying that all that matters is confidence! All the best!Www@QuestionHome@Com

One mans gift maybe another mans curse!. On one is given more then they can deal with!. There is nothing in reality but Truth-Beauty-Goodness!. We can see other then this but it is our reality not the cosmic reality!. In our next life we will do all that we desire if it has survival value and if we survive!. We are material God is Spirit the next life is spirit so we will be seen as to our spirit development and this will be how we will seen and judged!. It is the spirit and intent which we are judged by and in ascension our God like decisions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that people are all equal, those who are born with exceptional looks lack other things!. And those who aren't born with exceptional looks make up for it with other things!. It all comes down to how we choose to work with what we have!. I actually feel bad for the people who have to hide behind their looks to get through life!. I'm not saying that all beautiful people are dumb snobs, or that all not so attractive people are super-cool geniuses!. But we all have something to offer!. I know that this is probably my way of justifying the fact that I'm not drop dead gorgeous, and I also know that odds are that none of this is making you feel better, but it's just something to think about!.

And friendly advice: If you spend your entire life mad that you don't have looks or a girlfriend, there'll never be room for anything else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everybody has a good quality about them!. Both in their personality and appearance!. You should look at yourself in the mirror and find something that you like about yourself, whether it's your eyes or the shape of your lips or the color of your hair or whatever!.
You shouldn't have to hate or blame anyone for the way you look!. However, instead of embracing yourself, you seem to be determined to be angry and resentful!. If you change this, then you can be happier!.
also, perhaps the reason you have never had a girlfriend has nothing to do with the way you look!. Maybe you haven't opened up enough to let them see who you truly are!. Or maybe you've been pretending to be something you're not, consciously or not!. Not every girl out there is obsessed with appearances and those who are wouldn't deserve you anyway!. You should be thankful that you didn't go out with some of those people!. If they are that superficial, they don't deserve someone, yet, until they grow up!.
Think about this: if you were born as the most god-like, handsome creature, wouldn't you be cursing that a little, too!? Some people would only want to be with you because you'd be handsome!. They wouldn't really care about you, just that you look good by their side!. If you were to break your nose and it was a little crooked, they'd probably leave you!. And then if someone was really interested in you and not your body, it'd be hard to tell!. You'd be a little distrusting!. Overall you'd be hurt a lot more!.
Embrace who you are and find ways to make you happy, like changing your hair, if you want!. You don't have to be beautiful to be successful or to get what you want in life!. If you're comfortable with who you are, the right people will see that because you'd exude confidence!. Don't worry about anyone else!. You're perfect just the way you are!.