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Position:Home>Philosophy> What truth have you learned about yourself that has changed your outer world?

Question: What truth have you learned about yourself that has changed your outer world!?
what we have on the inside of us determines what sort of life we live on the outside!. When we embrace and take responsibility for who we really are, our life changesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The truth is that even if the people around you love you, at the end of the day it's all about you!. people are by nature selfish and it's important to understand that life is only one and therefore you have to do things that matter to YOU!.

You have to live ur life for yourself, not for others!. try to achieve something, some say it's the joy of having a child, or travelling to see the world!. the important thing is that you don't waste your life trying to please someone else, because no one tells you that when you need help they will be there!.

(i realize that it's a rather negative view on life, however i've had enough experience in the field to know that it's true)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are our choices!. Choices come at us with almost every breath we take!. Some are simple and some are complex!. Choices can lead to a chain reaction of events that can change not only your life but the whole worlds!. (example - choosing to be a scientist and you being the one that finds a cure for cancer)!. We can choose to be lazy and not inspect something properly and it leads to the deaths of everyone on a space shuttle!.!.!. life is all about choices for each of us!.!.!.

!.!.!. if only we as humans could only learn to make better ones than we have shown thus far!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I realized that, given how hard I work and how good I am to others, that I deserve to be happy!. No more living in self-sacrifice and self-abnegation, and no more torturing myself to make things better for everybody else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've learned that fear can be used
for the positive!. If you're afraid of
something, face it, use that energy
to help you over-come it!.

I'm stronger for having dealt
with my fear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've learned that changing the world starts with taking one step and looking inside yourself and seeing how you are as a person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the overall truth or philosophy rather !.!.!.!.i hv learned is !.!.!.!.

to plant seeds inside my asset column!.!.!. this is my formula!.!.!. i start small and plant seeds!.!.!. some grow!.!.!.some don't!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


even if it happens to be my last day on earth to do whatever i can to help others , our planet and all forms of lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com