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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it possible for one to deflate one's own ego? If so, how can this be acco

Question: Is it possible for one to deflate one's own ego!? If so, how can this be accomplished!!?
It would be amazing to learn how to deflate our own egos!.

Then there would be no crime!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's quite simple, really!. And yet, I guess it must be the hardest thing in the world to do!. You just realize that you're subservient to everything else that exists, and VOILA! You're humble!.


Another approach is the reverse-psychology approach!. Behave as if you are every bit as pompous and arrogant and self-centered as you can be!. In other words, satirize your own ego and make a mockery of your own arrogance!. The intent is to joke about it, though you'll always know that there's a kernel of truth in the joke!. And the strange thing is that the ego doesn't seem to catch on very quickly to what you're doing - and it gradually begins to shrink because it doesn't need to demand anything from you in order to give it exactly what it wants!. If the ego doesn't have to work for its meal, it grows lazy and still!. It's the best method I've found yet for conquering the little vermin!. ;-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Every time that the ego praises you with something you have done, try to examine it from a more logical standpoint and understand that what you have accomplished is not due to a matter of being superior or inferior, but something that just happened as a natural part of your life!.

All species are programmed with a natural code of survival which is usually centered around some basic idea of competition!. Remove the idea of competition and you remove the need for the ego to praise you and make you feel greater than you really are!. Competition really is not necessary in a collective society (not that we are quite on that level of existence just yet) because we realize that everything that one person managed to accomplish that another could not accomplish balances each other out to create a greater whole and enhance the experience of the collective in general!.

Usually, however, I find that one must keep the ego down by constantly beating it down!. The problem is, when you beat the ego down, you also beat yourself down in the process and can end up having low self esteem rather than a balanced state of being!. I tend to beat it down whenever I perceive anything in which my mind points out to me as being a testament to my uniqueness among human beings and remind it that even though we are all unique, it is the fact that since uniqueness is all shared that no one is unique, because being unique means to be set a part or different, and if everyone is different, no one is, because everyone is, make sense!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

A pin!. A very, very large pin!.

Philosophically speaking!? Maybe it's like a switch!. Depending on the situation, you can learn to flip the switch and be the modest person!. Then, when time's up, you can slip back into your ego-tastic self!. I guess it all comes down to how hard you're willing to work to be able to flip the switch without problem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When we become aware of the tricks of the ego, then we can let them go!. But if we are still deceived, how can you improve without awareness!. Two excellent books to help are A Course in Miracles and Ekhart Tolle's A New Earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Understand that you are just the same as everyone else and not exceptional!.
Understand the other person's point of view!.
Realise that other people have needs and wants as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your dreaming unrealistic dreamsWww@QuestionHome@Com

realize that you are just like everyone else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

have you ever seen the devinci code where the monk silas whips is self!.!.!.!.!. i bet that'll do the trickWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think it's possible!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com