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Position:Home>Philosophy> THE 'ALIENS' ARE HERE?

Hypothesis (please note this before replying): time travel is possible!.
Once it is realised, one cannot 'die' as one can always be 'visited'!. Time travel also suggests that time is on a 'loop' and thus time travel already exists as existence has no beginning!.
I will throw this in also: 'UFO sightings' are not unidentified, they are just not identified at this 'moment' (unless identifying them now counts!?)!. These 'objects' are moved by our future peers (this word works in my own context)travelling in time!.
This is very messy, but rather than insulting, or patronising words, you could simply ask for a more lucid explanation and i will give it via email!.
P!.S!. also! Time does not exist which is exactly why we cannot travel in time and exactly why we can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
it's funny how some people reply to you speaking as though they KNOW the answers - as if anyone knows anything at all! Then they seem to proceed to accuse you of doing the same even though you start your message with the word "hypothesis:"! Hehe!. I think you 'know' (or know that you don't know, or do not know what it is that you know if you know anything at all) that nobody really knows anything for certain, they can only believe in things they choose to believe!.

I also don't think it matters that your post is not a question - you are just asking if anyone out there thinks the same or can understand you aren't you!? If I'm not wrong!? There's nothing wrong with that!.

Who's to say UFOs aren't 'moved by our future peers'!? Who's to say that you have to be very well educated in facts and mathematics and physics and have done a degree in philosophy and English Language in order to have interesting thoughts and good ideas!?

There is nothing out there that can prove time travel imossible!. there's nothing out there that can wholly prove anything impossible!.

I bet you've experienced things in your life that make you think not everything's quite as it seems or quite as it's taught!. it's good to think outside the box, i reckon!. Keep thinking about it, and I hope that you're lucky like me and have someone with similar views to you that you can bounce your 'crazy' ideas off :)

Take care :)

PS I like your paradox at the end!. Please look up the tao te ching if you haven't seen it already you might like it :)

pps I liked that reply that said 'everything happens at once' - hey how about this - what if I am actually everything experiencing everything - how do I not know that between my percieved instances, I am billions of other things experiencing different happenings or places, future past or present!? only like a dream, when i return to 'me' in the next instance, all the other 'me's' are forgotten!? What if there are a billion levels of myself i a unaware of!? ok now getting carried away!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Travelling in time is possible in theory!. Time is relative to the speed you are travelling, so there cannont be one 'time' for all living things as it will change for each depending on their speed!. Your life could pass in the blink of an eye to 'someone' travelling close to the speed of light!. The 'objects' or UFOs could indeed be our future selves having learnt the way to travel at the speed of light to observe the past, but as such your future self would only be able to observe the past as they are just looking at old time!.!.!.!.old light!.
Time is not tanglible so the argument can exist that it is not real!.!.!.ahhh time, my nemesis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wait a minute!.!.!.that wasn't even a question!. What do you mean 'rather than insulting or patronizing words, you could simply ask for a more lucid explanation and I will give it via email'!? I mean, why does it have to be either or and why assume that if someone doesn't agree with you that they simply need a more thorough explanation!.

By the way, a UFO means: unidentified flying object!.

So, if they are identified, they wouldn't be called it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Time can't be manipulated, once something has happened you can't change it or physically revisit it!. It is impossible because time is not a physical thing!. Time does exist!.What makes you say it doesn't!?

One second to One milleninium, it is all time!. 5:30AM is time!. It exists!. Ok you can't touch it or feel it or whatever because it isn't physical!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are mixing facts and the unexplained universe!.
Travel in time is, as you say, impossible for one person!. But theoretically might you get old quicker than your friends by moving to an area with smaller gravity!.
You might come back as an old man and see good looking friends in good health!. You might say you have travelled in time, but you have lived an another life than your friends!.

The aleans we do not know yet!. The human being probably will get in contact with some living creatures in the future wich can be given this name!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

An hypothesis is an as yet unproven explanation for observed facts!. Which observations exactly led you to form your hypothesis!.

I do, however, like the suggestion that you are a time travelling alien from the future!. This does explain a lot about you questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everything is happening at once!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm, some thought has gone into this, but with the first line contradicting the last, I will ponder a little more myself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

time dose not exist, it is a tool used to catagorise an event or make sense of things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have to admit, i have no clue as to what you are on about and would love further explanation!. ThanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

I know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

woow this is all very confusing!.!.!. but interesting at the same time

You have spoken in riddles -- a common enough ploy -- but your reasoning is incoherent and I have no reason to believe that you would be more sane and sober if I e-mailed you!.
Aye, you have regrettably e-mailed me and now the puerile histrionics have begun!. Derek, you may not like it when your gibberish is exposed for what it is but at least I am mature enough to do it in a public forum!. I have gone to your profile page and have read several of your previous postings after receiving your dismissive and vengeful mailing!. You have a long history of incoherence my friend, and though I have read extensively in the modern analytic philosophers and realize that the language of their discipline is at times somewhat obscure,
it is always, in the final estimation, coherent and internally self-consistent!. Your language is neither!. It is interesting that your profile page suggests that WORDS are that which cannot be conveyed!. I disagree!. Words are all that can be conveyed and the problem lies in the disconnect between those symbols and the thing itself -- the best things are unspoken, the second best misunderstood!. Frequently, you have prefaced your earlier arguments with disclaimers relating to the inadequacy of language!. The problem lies not so much with the inadequacy of language but with your hopes that practiced obscurantism will be mistaken for genuine profundity!. Emperor, you have no clothes, and all the world now sees what you do have!. Aren't you glad you e-mailed me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com