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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can we really have any unique ideas?

Question: Can we really have any unique ideas!?
Or are our mind and ideas only constructed of smaller ideas (memes) that have combined in new ways in our stream of consciousness!.

In short, are we "unique" anomalies or merely products of our unique combinations of experience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Although we are unique beings, truly unalike any other, even our identical twin, there are no new ideas!. Just variations on a theme!. Think about the ideas that were formed in Ancient Egypt and Rome and Greece--Everything we have discovered today to aid us in our modern world, stemmed from those ideas of the past--Most of DaVinci's ideas never actually came to fruition--but were the stepping stones for their ultimate creation,years and years later!.
And then take our ideas that we each have stirring within us--each one of us comes from the genes of our parents!. Our Ancestors are in our bones--each and every one of us--and I believe that we ultimately ARE a product of who and where we came from, and of course, as you say our own unique experiences!. Even though our experiences will be different from the experiences of our fore-fathers, we are wired, through our ancestry or genetics, to respond to those experiences in a specific way!.
All we have to do is look at fashion to know, that every style does indeed come back!. It may come back slightly different, but the basic idea was not new, and if there is any semblance of the past in the idea, you can not say that it is unique!.
Good Question!. You made me think!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very philosophical, eh !? Well, I think many people have been getting and are still getting 'unique' ideas!. How else did they invent so many wonderful things !? We progress through the accumulations of our joint experiences!. Ideas lead to experiments, experiments lead to discoveries and new ideas, more experiments, more discoveries, and on and on!. Each discovery leads to new or better product!. Hench there is progress!. It's an accumulation of ideas, generation upon generation!. We continue progressing and progressing!. Then at some point in time, the bubble bursts, so to speak!. Then all is lost!. A fresh start takes place and the process is repeated!. That is why we are only in the year 2008 whereas this earth is millions of years old!. Science will tell you that!. Leftovers from previous civilisations will tell you that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I had a similar question!.

Here is the link, although the question is deemed "resolved", it actually isn't!.


Yes, everyone can has a uniquely ideas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com