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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think CRITICIZING has any good effects in changing sb to the BETTER?

Question: Do you think CRITICIZING has any good effects in changing sb to the BETTER!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Criticism can be constructive or it can be destructive!. If you are citicising just for the sake of crticising, to let go steam, then it's probably destructive but if you're criticising for the purpose of bringing about good changes and you're really careful about your language and choice of words then it's probably constructive!. As you have guessed, constructive criticism is good while destructive criticism is bad!. You must be careful when you criticise!. People generally don't like to be criticised, whether its constructive or destructive!. They like to be praised for doing something good!. They don't like to be told that what they have done is wrong!. Instead of criticising, I believe it's much better to give praise where deserved and gently point out where one has gone wrong and state your opinion on what ought to have been done!. This should be done in a diplomatic way, preferably in private, so as not to unnecessarily offend the other and to make that other realise that he was wrong so that he would be a better person!. When you hurt the other's ego, then even if you are right, it will do no good!. No good changes in the other will come out of such criticism!. Instead, you'll probably have another enemy!. Criticism properly done will be much appreciated and rewarded!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The word "criticism" is a noun that is defined as "the act of making judgments; analysis of qualities and evaluation of comparative worth!.!.!." For me, receiving criticism as it is defined above, is not useful alone!. I don't care who it comes from--a parent, a friend, a teacher, whoever!. And, I don't believe that criticism alone has any good effects in changing somebody, especially if the person giving the criticism is not providing the criticism out of sincere care for you or your work and what you are trying to present!. If the person sincerely cared for you and the work you are trying to present, then that person would not only provide you feedback, but that person would also provide you specific details on how to obtain the goals of the criticism they are presenting to you!.

A good example I believe is the sandwich method feedback that Toastmasters members are trained to provide in their evaluations of other speakers!. Their opening report is to provide something positive about the speech, then provide feedback on specific areas the speaker could work on, then close the evaluation with something else positive about the speech!. Some people might think this type of evaluation is a bit much to present to everyone in every situation, but I believe that if the "criticism" is provided in this format, the person receiving the feedback might be more receptive to the suggestions they are being given!. And the specific suggestion points for correction and change would be specific enough to be incorporated in the receiver's lifestyle!.

Another item to consider is that in Toastmasters, all the members understand that evaluations are essential to progress of the speakers who are giving presentation, and they are encouraged to being open to the feedback!. My point is: It is important to consider the relationship you have with the person giving the feedback!. Who are they!? A parent!. A teacher!. A friend!. Are they someone you trust to be honest with you!? Are you willing to hear what they have to say!? If not, any criticism or feedback they give you, you probably are not going to receive!. If you believe there could be some validity to their criticism (even if you are tired of being criticized by them), it might be helpful to run the info by someone else you do trust!. At this point, though, you've got to decide if you really want to know the truth or not!. Otherwise you are just wasting your time and theirs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. To they people that can take criticism!. Because you may be doing something wrong and not knowing it!. Then you can cause harm to yourself and others so someone has to jump up to the plate and tell you!. Yes some people are very harsh with it sometimes, but there are worse things!. If the people are mean just brush it off and keep walking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Criticizing points out something you are doing wrong!. If you don't know you were making a mistake then it does help you learn from!. If you know you were and somebody dwells on the fact then it doesn't and you lose all the confidence you had!. criticizing helps when used at the right time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most say no yet they turn around and do it to someone anyways!. You know if that person has potential and is not a complete loser then yeah it could turn someones life around!. If they are unstable and not to fortunate then the total opposite can happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes if it is constructive criticism!. It is when you point out the necessary corrections in a gentle, uplifting manner with the goal of improving the life of a person and not to destroy them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on 'who is CRITICIZING' & 'who is CRITICIZED'
CRITICIZING by a respected person may help sb a lot for betterment!.
CRITICIZING by other don't do better for him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Gently leading them to REASON (with sincerity + kindness) (at the proper time and proper place) is the one and only way to guide people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if your criticism comes in the form of correct action - yes

To lead by shining example is the most effective way to make others want to be better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes if the criticizing is done without judgement on human!
artist are to critic others paintings to help grow and develope and learn!
With out that we wouldn't get far in life!Www@QuestionHome@Com

when criticism is logical it is constructive!.
