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Position:Home>Philosophy> For those who believe in ghosts, did you have an experience with any? Seriously,

Question: For those who believe in ghosts, did you have an experience with any!? Seriously, please!?
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Well, this is an internet forum so anybody can make up anything they want!.!.!. but here goes!.

Do I believe in ghosts!.!.!. sort of!. I can't really give you a definite yes or no, but I can share my experiences with unexplained events!.

When I was about to graduate from high school my family moved to the house next to ours (it was a lot bigger)!. The previous owners (elderly couple) lived there as long as I could remember, and when the husband died the wife decided to sell the home and move to an assisted living facility!. The first time I took a tour of the house with my mom we checked the place out for a few minutes and decided to leave!. As we were closing the back door (we didn't have a key to the front) we heard a man's voice say, "Get out!." I looked at my mom and asked her if she heard it and she said she didn't so we just went back home!. As soon as we got back inside our old house she told me that she did hear it, but she told me she didn't because she didn't want to have to go back in there right now!.

I'm not really too convinced by voices!. For all I know someone across the street said something and I heard it from the house, but the next event is what makes me really question if paranormal activity is real!.

A few months after I heard the voice, I woke up in the middle of the night and I couldn't move!. Obviously, I started freaking out!. I sleep laying on my stomach with my head to the side, and I could open my eyes and see, but the rest of my body was paralyzed!. I was trying to stay calm (hoping it would wear off and I could move again) when I felt a hand lightly grab the back of my calf!. I couldn't see who it was and they weren't saying anything, so it scared the hell out of me!. I still couldn't move (although I was trying with every ounce of strength I could manage) and I could hear myself breathing loudly through my gritted teeth (which I couldn't move) because I was freaking out so bad!. At this point, I was sure that whoever had their hand on me wasn't someone I knew and I was fighting to get up and beat the hell out of whoever it was!. Suddenly my paralysis broke and I quickly turned and lunged with a punch at what looked like a solid black silhouette/shadow of person standing at the foot of my bed!. Instead of making contact, I fell right through it and hit the ground!. I quickly turned on the light and grabbed a hunting knife I had in my room!. I yelled to wake up everyone else in the house and went room to room looking for whoever/whatever it was!. We went through the whole house and didn't find anything, and the doors were locked from the inside to we knew it didn't get out that way!.

Now, not wanting to think that I was bat**** crazy, I started looking for explanations of what had happened!. I found a psychological phenomenon known as sleep paralysis!. I don't know if that's what it was, but its possible!. It hasn't happened to me before or since, but it was enough to make me wonder!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This happened long ago, so I don't remember the eact details !.!.!.

Well, a few days after my grand mom died, a wierd lady came to our house, and she said that she knows that a grandma has just died here and that she is haunting this house!. The woman said that she 'sees' my grandmom patrolling the first floor and the attached balcony, walking up and down!. Then she suddenly grabbed my mother's hair and said that she was being kind of possessed by my grandmom, because she used to hate her (as most mother-in-laws do)!. She then performed some funny looking rituals for the protection of the family and left!.

I would have forgotten this story long ago, had it not been for the fact that the way the lady desribed my grandmom walking up and down was very similar to how she used to do it (during the evenings) when she was alive !.!.!. :oWww@QuestionHome@Com

The college I went to has been around since the early 1800s, so there were a LOT of ghost stories floating around (pun intended)!. The dorm room I was in Sophomore year was haunted!. I'm convinced, even though I never personally saw a ghost!. Most of the time, it was benign things that made you pause for a second and think maybe you were mistaken!.

- There would be tapping coming from inside the one outside wall, which was solid brick so it couldn't be rodents or anything!. It wasn't a tree, either!.

- Many times, when my roommates or I would be walking down the hallway to our room we'd see the door slowly swing open!. The windows would be shut, and there weren't any drafts in the room!. This would happen when we knew the door was completely shut - even locked in some cases!.

- One of my roommates swears she woke up one night (while the rest of us were there as well), strangely chilly in the late May humidity!. She said she was about to wake the rest of us to ask about the chill when she felt something/one tugging at her foot and blanket!. At that point, she couldn't talk or scream or even move!. She said the few seconds felt like an eternity!.

- There were times when one of us would put something down in one spot, then go do something!. We'd come back to find whatever-we-had-put-down was now in a different spot!. The objects didn't move by themselves!. No one else touched them!. A lot of the time, you'd be the only one in the room!. It happened too often to each of us to be a simple case of mistaking where you put something!.

It got to the point where we named the ghost, or whatever it was, 'Mary'!. We'd have a "Mary moment" if we misplaced something!. "Mary did it" and "Mary strikes again" were common phrases in our room!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


In my house: I feel like someone is following me up the stairs!. I 'feel' him as a man, skinny, with a few-days growth of beard!. He's carrying a whiskey bottle and following me up the stairs that originally led to the maid's chambers!. In the attic, there's a skinny lady who stares at me like I did something offensive!.

In my client's house, I hear footsteps upstairs but there's no one there!. I'll close/lock the windows and come up in the morning and they're opened again!. I also see a woman walking by toward the bathroom around 2 in the morning!. Or, she'll squeek the floor in the kitchen just to spite me, or turn on the basement light!. Sometimes the man walks past our outside kitchen window!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My friend did, and she's very honest!. She said she was really cold so she woke up in the middle of the night one night and she saw a little girl (a ghost) standing in her closet, and then she almost screamed, but she couldn't make anything come out!. She went back to bed, and when she woke up the girl was gone!. :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com


This happened to my parents!.

My mother and father and their hostess Noel, a woman, were sitting upstairs in a lower-to-middle-class frame house somewhere in northern New Jersey!. Noel's mother, who had used a cane and walked with a distinctive tapping sound, had died, and she had inherited the house from her, her father having been killed in the war!.

It was a hot Sunday afternoon!. None of them had any money, and they were playing poker for chips and drinking beer!. In the middle of a hand, there was a faint noise from the cellar, on the wooden steps that led to the first floor: tap-tap-TAP-tap!. It sounded like Noel's mother!.

Someone (my mother!?) said, "Noel, that sounded like Mammy's cane!."

"It did, but it couldn't be, Dorothy!."

They didn't hear it again--until they had stopped the poker and were going to make sandwiches for supper!. This time the taps were more distinct and a little louder!. It stopped them in their tracks!. My father held his hand up in a way to indicate that no one was to move or to make noise!. They stood still for half a minute, maybe a minute and a half!. Just as my father shook his head, more or less giving the all clear, and they started carrying glasses into the kitchen, the tap-tap-TAP-tap sounded again from the cellar door!.

Again my father held up his hand!. This time he walked across the dining area to the cellar door, in the pantry between the dining room and the kitchen!. It was a cheaply made house and not solidly assembled, so it was not possible to walk noiselessly, but I guess he did the best he could!. He opened the door to the cellar slowly and closed it behind him!. There was a lightbulb on a pull cord in the cellar, but they did not hear him turn that on!. On the other hand, it was July or August and not yet dark, so some light probably came in through the small basement windows!.

My mother, who tends to pooh-pooh such experiences, said something to Noel like, "Now wasn't that the damndest thing!?"

But my father, as I was told, was down in the cellar for a long time!. "What is keeping Tommy!?" Noel asked!.

I was not born yet, so I don't know all the details!. My father came up from the cellar about fifteen minutes later!. He was asked what he had found!. All he said was "Nothing," but he did not look good--pale, unhappy!. He would not talk about what had happened!.

All the people in this story are now dead!. Noel died shortly after inheriting the house; when she died it went to her brother, whom our family also knew (but didn't like much)!. My father died next, and my mother, who lived to a ripe old 90, said she never could get from my father what he had found in Noel's cellar!.

I visited that house when I was younger!. The cellar was jammed with boxes and junk--blankets, books, a workbench, and trunks, a the sort of detritus you find in cellars!. It was noonish and there was nothing special that I could see!. If there was a revenant, it apparently stopped visiting that afternoon, unless there were things Noel never told!. The pull cord light bulb arrangement was still there, old and greasy!. I wonder if it was the same one from 30 years ago!.

I'd love to know what happened in cellar!. Unfortunately, I didn't know about this incident until after my father died so I never had the chance to press him, if it would have done any good!. If my mother couldn't get it out of him, no one could have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com