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Position:Home>Philosophy> When did we become so fearful as adults?

Question: When did we become so fearful as adults!?
Was it our first heartbreak!? The first time we filed a tax return!? Our first job interview!? Our first child!?

I look at it like this!.!.!.As a young person, our lives are like a glass bowl!. It is empty and carefree because it doesn't have to hold anything!. As we get older, learn more, and gain more responsibilities, things are added to the bowl!. The longer we carry the bowl, the heavier it becomes and the more we worry about it breaking!. How nice would it be to have an opportunity to empty it, put it down, or to have someone help us carry it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think fear is a learned thing, the only fears that are actually instinctive are fear of falling and fear of the dark, both practical fears that helped early humanity survive not being wt the top of the food chain!.

Most fears seem to come from the unknown and not wanting to take a chance to explore and see what could be!. We're afraid to try for something new because we're afraid to lose things the way they are, but it leads to us not having as fulfilling of a life as we could have!. It's like my dog, he's so busy holding on to the bone in his mouth so that no one can take it from him, that he won't put it down for the meat in his dish!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think mine was at the cusp of when I was going to graduate from high school!. And I realized the broadness and hugeness of life with no boundaries or barriers!. And where there was no right and wrong!. I understood at that moment what it must be like to be an adult and I cried because I had no idea at all what was I going to do after high school!?!.

I just left a fixed period of years in my life where I knew what the next cycle of life would be between summer vacation and school!. But now it was no more and whatever happened, it was my choice to make!. I wasn't scared but overwhelmed at my uncertain future and I did not know what I was good at to make a decision on what I wanted to be!.

That for me was when I was most reluctant to accept the fact that time had determined that my life as a child was over with!. And now it was time for me to be an adult!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Buddhists put it like this: if life is a hike, we have made our packs too heavy, and so our hike is no fun!. Instead of enjoying our hike we are laboring under the weight on our backs!.

So what we do is, we take a good look in our packs!. Do we really need all this stuff!? We begin to discard everything that is not completely necessary!. This is called detachment!. We form attachments to our desires and these attachments torture us!. We therefore cultivate detachment and leave all of the unnecessary weight behind!.

When we have done this, our pack is light and easy to carry!. Then we can walk on in happiness and enjoy our hike!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Having had a difficult childhood, one filled with a lot of anxiety and some fear, I shed my fear when I stepped out into the world as an independent person!. Since then I have of course known worry and anxiety from time to time but not much fear!. Of what should I be afraid!? And I have had a great deal of happiness, contentment and joy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Forget the heartbreaks and tough times!.
In the end it means nothing!.
Live in the moment and stop worryingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Its just a bowl, just drop it!. You have other problems ahead, you will need both hands!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we stoped touching each other

and we realized the universe is out to kill usWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you accept Christ in your heart, he can lift all your burdens!. He did mine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My bowl is far from empty;
but it's so much lighter having
Christ to help me carry all of my
burdens!. I give my burdens to the
Lord!. Problem is: sometimes I'm tempted
and wind up taking some of those
burdens back from Christ and
lugging them around by
myself again!. If I could
only learn to leave
well enough alone!?
But, I get better at
it as time and life
lessons progress!.
I think we forget how to be
carefree because we worry about
those things which we shouldn't
even be concerned about in
the first place!. How will I
provide for my family!?
Answer: The Lord always provides!.
How will I pay down my credit card debts!?
Answer: Stop living so far beyond our means!.
We have to mature and stop spoiling ourselves
by thinking we deserve to have everything our
hearts desire!. We can't keep up with the
Joneses!. We worry because we have
become far too compulsive as
consumers!. Society has
conditioned and programmed
us to worry!. Fear is an indoctrination
tactic and technique!.
Whenever there's word of a severe
weather condition, people rush out
to the stores with one thought
in mind: survival!.
That's when we first became fearful as adults;
the moment we realized that we were
now responsible for our own survival!.
No more parents or guardians to sponge
off of!.!.we're in the real world now!.
If you don't work, you don't eat!.
That's what happened and that's when it happened!.


We grew into it!. It was a slow thing for everyone and it took it's toll when we weren't looking!. We became fearful at a very, very young age and it was cultivated by the ones who influence our lives the most!. Our parents, our siblings, our family, but most of all our mothers!. They are the ones who have the greatest influence on us!. No one else but God has a greater influence on our lives!. It may not be our actual mother but a surrogate mother!. Regardless of who, it is the women who teach us more than the men!. It is the women this responsibility rests on!. It is the women who have this ability!. You know !.!.!. to whom much is given much is required and the women have been given one hell of a lot with the ability to reproduce life within their own bodies!.
We grow into our fear unconsciously, we grow out of them consciously and with great effort!.
Myself!? I've grown out of a lot of fears from the faith I have in God and the Christ's salvation!. I have worked very hard to cast aside those fears and by faith I have been helped by that which we cannot see!.
That's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com