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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do I make myself a better person?

Question: How do I make myself a better person!?
And why would I want to be one!? People don't respect me!.!.!. I've gone 5 years without any friends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
By really!.!.!.!.really listening to yourselfWww@QuestionHome@Com

Better at what!?
Better than what!?

Only you can say why you would want to be "better"!. If you're happy the way you are, then you don't need to change!.

5 years without friends sounds pretty sad!. Do you only make friends when people give you the respect you think you deserve!? What do you to to gain their respect!? Do you really want or need friends!?

What is it that causes people to not respect you!? If it's your opinions, then maybe you need to either think more before you offer your opinions, or hang around with different people whose opinions would match yours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When my father retired, I asked him if he would miss his friends!. He said "I don't have any!." He said this with no emotion!. He had no interest in friends!. He didn't say "I've gone 5 years without friends" like a badge of honor and say "People don't respect me" like it isn't a problem!. You are shouting to the rafters that you are miserable!. That might be why you'd want to be a better person!.

Here are some ideas how to change (most are mutually exclusive, so you might want to pick ONE and try it!.)

1) Conform
2) Take pride in yourself and your accomplishments
3) Go out and do something
4) Sit and figure out who the hell you want to be
5) Learn to have no interest in friends (my dad was that way and he was a very good person, just not social at all!.)

Good luck, and I like your question!. You don't seem to be wasting my time and I appreciate that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To be a better person you must acknowledge your flaws and your mistakes!. And embrace them, to correct them!. "To make a right you need a mistake!."
As to why you would want to be a better person!.!. because you can!. Don't limit yourself!. People aren't just going to respect you, you need to earn their respect!. Don't give up on being a better person, that'd be like saying you can't do better!. Don't give others the satisfaction, show them what you're capable of!. That you're capable of love and friendship because I know you are!. Just give it a shot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Respect is earned!. Life is about relationships!.

Live and be guided in life by Truth-Beauty-Goodness, the Will of God!.

His gift for all to develop as best we can are;

Courage, Intuition, Knowledge, Understanding, Counsel, Worship, and Wisdom!.

There is no wisdom without worship!. Build your life as suggested and all your life will be lived with respect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not sure what your past brought on to you, but it has obviously turned you into the person you are today!.

If you are serious about being a better person, I'd start by watching some of the people whom you see as a good person and maybe start talking to them!. They might look at you funny but just hang out with them at work or something!. You gotta start out somewhere!.

Look at joining a club or something, or maybe signing up for something you're not comfortable in like ballroom dancing!. This is normally a great place to start socializing because everyone is pretty much starting on the same ground!. And besides, it'll work on partnering and getting to know a dance partner, not to mention a great work out that'll make you feel good inside!.

Feeling good inside is also a first step for you!. Find something that'll make you feel good inside!.!. Start with yourself!.!.Once you feel better, everybody else will see that and you'll be a more approachable person!.!.!.Have a lot of patience for this won't happen overnight!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's been my experience that people who want respect don't deserve it and those who deserve it don't want it!. Same goes for pity!.

My answer seems harsh so I want to add to it!.

A good place to start is to take a look at the type of person from whom you want respect and avoid that type of person, like the plague!.

Find people who respect all human beings and learn from them!. They're a much better influence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just be yourself and have confidence, be your own best friend!. u are the way u are, u can't change that, if u people don't accept u , well that's their problem!. there will be people who are going to be rude and cruel to u, no matter what, even if u didn't do nothing,i'm facing that right now, but u must be brave and humble, don';t let them put u down, u are a better person because u are yourself and nobody else!. always love yourself, i gone 18 years with out any real friends, i call them so call friends, because either lies to me, bestray me, use me or backstabb me in the back, don't worry u will find a true friend that will understand u!. just continue being true to yourself and u will accomplish alot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could ask this in the psychology section!.

This kind of sounds like its in your mind!. Kind of like giving yourself over to mental fears and letting others define you!.

You also have to ask yourself what does "respect" mean to you is it really respect or something else thats bothering you!?

Break it down and then go one step at a time!. Like smile at the cashier person!.!.!.!.!.tell them to have a good day/// do something nice for someone everyday, even if it doesnt get recipricated--because it will come back to you )

there are many factors to decide!. if you want to improve (kind of sounds that you might not want to) and which direction you want to take!. some people turn to religion, others get some sort of degree while others do community service!.
I am sorry you don't have friends but it could be you did not want friends for a while!. Remember, you have to earn respect--it is not just given to you at birth!. do things that you might think of that others will conder respectable and go from there!.
Good LuckWww@QuestionHome@Com

Goodness is its own reward!.
The question is do you respect other people!?
This has been said a thousand times before but it is no less
true!. You can only change yourself, not others & no amount of force will change anyone unless they themselves want to change!.
As to friends, you can have them if you really want them!.
I believe even Hitler had them!.
To have friends you need to be a good friend first!.
To receive, you must first give!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe you are a good person and the reason you don't have friends is that you can't find any that meet your standards!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you find out please if you'd want to share please do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com