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Question: What does FAIT mean!?
If your future is based on fait!?!? WHAT DOES that mean!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Fate is the notion that what is to happen is already ordained, and you can't change it!. The whole Oedipus Cycle of plays, in which the main character is told by an oracle that he will kill his father and marry his mother, is based on the idea that even trying your hardest to avoid your fate will merely bring it about!. (His problem is that no one told him he was adopted; his actual parents had abandoned him at birth because they were told the same things about him!. If they'd kept him, or if he'd known the people who raised him weren't his parents, his fate would have been avoidable!.)

Personally, I don't accept the notion, but you have to admire Sophocles for his ability to take an idea and extend it to its logical conclusion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fate is something I don't hold to!. I know people who explain everything using fate!. If you believe in fate then you don't have to do anything in life because it wouldn't matter what you did or thought or tried!. Fate took care of your whole life before you were ever born!. Its like when a child dies from a car wreck or disease, everyone says its either gods will or fate!. Its all the same thing to me!. gods will and fate are the same lame excuse for things we often do not have any control over in the first place outside of a little common sense!. Your future isn't based on fate or gods will, it is only by the choices that you make which determine your ultimate destiny!. Your destiny is simply where you will end up in a particular endeavor!. Is it your destiny to get a college degree!? If you go to college and work hard and graduate then that is your destiny!. Will you get married and have children!? You will if you decide to!. Life is not some silly cosmic sitcom, it is a real, conscious expierence that you can only truely appreciate if you take control of it and live it for yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

FATE - some believe in it, some dont

fate is basically ure future and what is instore for you, you cannot change youre fate unless you see it in a vision or u know what is going to happen in the future!. So for some people that belive in fate, they belive that their whole life is SUPPOSED to happen in a certain way and that is what is in control of their life!. It determines when one dies and what one person is going to do in every second of the persons life!.

that is basically a quick sum up of what fate means i hope i have helped you understand a little bit more about the term "FATE"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you mean "fate", which refers to things that will happen whether we like it or not!. If something is 'fated' to happen, then you have no power or influence over it!. It will simply happen!.

It's fate that the economy will one day get really bad!.

It's also fate that the economy will get better!.

The ultimate fate of the Universe is that it could one day implode!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

n!. pl!. faits ac·com·plis (ft?-k?-pl, -plz, ft?-)
An accomplished, presumably irreversible deed or fact!.

Apparently it is only used along side the word "accomplis!." I've tried looking up just the word "fait" but I get nothing!.

But from the phrase, it would appear that a 'fait' is irreversible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure if FAIT means anything, but your future can be based on "fate"!.

Fate is something kind of like destiny; predetermined!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

FAIT means that you cannot spell or are clever enough to use the graciously supplied Spell Checker!. That's what it means !Www@QuestionHome@Com

fait is an "ideal", which means different things to different people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It means you have no control on your future whatsoever!.
and I think you mean "fate"Www@QuestionHome@Com

you mean fate!?Www@QuestionHome@Com