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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would you like to be told what the future holds for you?

Question: Would you like to be told what the future holds for you!?
if something bad were to happened, i would just be waiting for it to happen!.
i just like to go with the flow and i dont want my destiny to be revealed!.
i believe everything happens for a reason, and everyone had jorney in life!.
i am a fatalist!.

your views!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I do not think I would want to go through life knowing what was going to happen to me, good or bad!. I think there is something so priceless and valuable to the element of surprise!

And how often do you hear people speak of their lives and mention how they never could have imagined being in this place, at this point in their lives!? They never knew they would be so happy and pleased with how things turned out, even though not everything has gone the way they predicted it to happen!.

Yesterday is HISTORY, Tomorrow a MYSTERY, and Today is a GIFT!

Thanks for reading!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe in predetermination so I wouldn't believe what the future holds for me !.!.!. in other words, if someone told me exactly what would happen in my future, I wouldn't let it affect me on any level aside from self motivation (if my fate is supposedly bad) !.!.!. I believe in controlling your own destiny!.!.

however, if that wasn't the case and I was told I could find out what my future would turn out to be, I would not want to know !.!.!. if I found out that my life would end early or something horrific would happen to me, I'd fall into the same trap as you, just waiting it out and forgetting to live !.!. on the other hand, if something fantastic happened to me such as winning the lottery, I would probably spend like a drunken sailor knowing that I'm gonna hit the big jackpot in ten years !.!.!. I'd rather live for what's happening in the world and in my life right now than use information I have about my future as an excuse to sleepwalk through my daysWww@QuestionHome@Com

i agree, because if something bad were to happen to me in the future and i knew about it, then i would be so busy worrying about it and when it would happen that i wouldn't enjoy my life!. things happen, and some of it u cant control, that y i just live my life day by day, not worrying about wat happens next, but in a way looking foward to it!. =)
!.!.!.watever happens is meant to happenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hey I think life would become boring if you knew what was going to happen to you and it would take the meaning out of life!. I believe in fate and also in free will the two are not incompatible as some think, we are like actors in a universal play we all have our parts to play, we are given our entrance and at sometime we will leave the stage!. I have free will I can play my part anyway I want, i can complain about it or i can show the world how good i am with my part!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would not want to know!. I have an idea of what I want my future to be, and if I figured out that it wasn't like that, it'd be hard for me to upset!. Yet, if I was already at the point where my future was different, I'd be able to accept it!. But if I found out now would I be able to accept it!? No!. I'd have nothing to look forward to!. I wouldn't be able to say, "At least someday I'll get out of here and achieve my dreams!." I wouldn not be happy in life, leading up to that point!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't agree at all!. It is that viewpoint that never finds a solution to the problems!. I'm not saying I would want to know every bit of the future, but by using the things around us to help us make tomorrow better is absolutely necessary!.

There's only one river, but there are many currents and some lead to the end faster than others, don't you want to make your trip last long as possible!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

no i wouldnt!.
some people wish to know the future!.!.!.
but then it spoils the excitement & the wanting to know!.
i wouldnt like to be told, because then it wouldnt be future with all the meaning, the whole meaning of the word future, it would be something you already know thats gonna happenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Being that such events are probable in nature and the vast amount of variables that must be taken into account if you wish to assign a decent level of probable accuracy, then yes I would find it highly amusing for someone to suggest to me that they had knowledge of some as of yet unrealized event!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. I don't want to know!. Knowing the answers takes daily choice away because everything is geared towards maximizing the positive and ameliorating the negative!. Plus, what is the fun without the chase!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I already know what the future holds!. Taxes!. And then Death!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would want to know what would happen to me!. Then i would work harder everyday to change or not change my future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no wouldnt like to know!. many of my friends go n see these fortune tellers and i have to say much of it came true but id be too scared lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes yes yes tell me moreWww@QuestionHome@Com

I already know, dont you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

no im scard to knowWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm with you on this one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com