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Position:Home>Philosophy> So, what I'm hearing is that a "raceless global society" would...?

Question: So, what I'm hearing is that a "raceless global society" would!.!.!.!?!?!?
!.!.!.be beneficial to all!. And, honestly I couldn't agree more!. With one exception!. DNA helps doctors and scientists pinpoint which race carrying which strand of DNA is more or less likely to develope certain diseases!.

Each race has a weak point!. And, I'm beyond the matter of which race you may be!. I don't care!. We're all human!. Science is about exploring what we are made of!. All of the doctors and scientists in the world have so much more to learn about the human condition!.

BTW: I'm all for "blending"!. Maybe that's the secret (!?) to Darwin's philosophy!? To slowly breed a superior race that is blind to skin color and weeds out the weak, thereby entwining the strengths of all races!?

Thoughts, comments, opinions all appreciated!.

*Please no thumbing down!. Everyone is entitled to an opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
well hopefully when everyone is blended then at least some of those weak points in the dna will be strengthened and people will be less likely to get sick from genetical problems!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think this line of thinking sounds mad!. Something on the order of Dr!. Frankenstein or Hitler's race-like belief system!.

I'm also opposed to a "global society," and I wish we would get a President of the U!.S!. who would go up to the president of the UN or the world court and twist his nose and/or cut his tie in half while he's wearing it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Doesn't DNA prove that there are no races!? That race is socially constructed!?

We all come from the same place (Africa), but it took hundreds of generations for people to look different all over the globe!. There is only one race, but with different physical characteristics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Would a race less society be beneficial!? Consider the epitome of race less society Adam and Eve!. We all know how that one fared!. Philosophize, procrastinate if you wish but "to be human is to err"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're acting like we're multiple species instead of ONE!. The genetic differences that even give us the qualities that allow us to define ourselves as a practicular race are so superficial and mostly meaningless it's not even funny!.

Race is a social construct, indeed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if we had one or only a few governments a global society would be terrible, if a ruthless Hitler like dictator came in to power there would be no one to save us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes it would no war and discrimination i wish this was a reality but infact it is not slavery still happens to this day!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think we tend to over simplify when we think that race is at the bottom of the worlds problems and that blending the races would solve the world's problems, because it is really just a very small part of mess we are in!. Blend all the races and you still have the biggest problems remaining!. Religious differences and economic differences!. Those are the big 2 and the causes of most all the wars that have ever been fought throughout history!. Do something about religious intolerance and the huge gap between the haves and the have nots, and racial problems will take care of themselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you look around, you will see many interracial relationships out there now!. Tell you what, they do have some beautiful children!. The gene pool becomes stronger because of it!. I think we're the only species that can intermingle and have offspring the way we do!. Go humanity!. LOLWww@QuestionHome@Com

You bring up some pretty good points, though something in the back of my head is kind of disagreeing!. I'll admit that I'm probably imagining one of those dystopian societies that I see in movies that are set in the future!. But when I think about it, I can't really assume that mixing all the races would breed a superior race, taking the best traits from every race!. Because I think (and I'm no scientist, so don't hold it against me if I'm wrong) if all the races were mixed, each race would be so diluted that none o the strengths would be able to significantly make significantly superior!. But really, I don't know very much about this kind of stuff!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Get with the program!. Race is a social construct!. The word "race" is used to segregate different groups into different categories!. It was used by Nazi's and Slave traders first!. You're DNA and my DNA are the same!.

So please do your homework!. There is ONE race and its called the Human Race!.

If you're equating Darwins theories to superior races then you're so ignorant to what Darwin was actually saying!. Darwins theories are geared towards species and not "social constructs"!. We are all homo sapiens!. We are all HUMANS!.

Edited below:
You're very ignorant!.!.!.and so sad!.!.!. Maybe that's why a total of 3 people have answered this moronic post!.

Edited below again:
So much for being entitled to my opinion!. Very ignorant and useless question you've posted today!. Very ignorant indeed!.

PS below last PS of the night:
Yahoo answers can delete my opinion but they can't delete that fact that this was by far the most ignorant question I've seen on yahoo answers in quite some time!. Try learning about the topic you ask about moron!.

PS again below:
I'm curious, where exactly did you hear this from!? Please enlighten us on your social pipeline of information!. Its sounds like someones racist wet dream if you ask me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we are a race not a clever race but a race none the less
your question lacks posture but is posture part of the question
a raceless global society would leave this planet a lot better off
as all species evolve and make things worse(humans better themselves and kill life)

I disagree!. If there was a "raceless global society," everyone would be kind of the same!. There would be no uniqueness!. Each race has its own rich history, culture, and traditions, and while it's great that people are moving foward, people shouldn't end race!. The fact that different races are developing, and not being forced to follow tradition and stuff is great, but, genetically speaking, race is good, because it gives people uniqueness!. Each race is beautiful in some way!.

However, I think a global society (if in the right hands) is a good idea!. It's ridiculous that we all live on the same planet, yet put up borders around ourselves, and declare war upon each other!. It done well, without power hungry idiots ruling the world, a global society would be great!. But, people should maintain their racial DNA, not be forced to become some kind of "race clone" or something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com