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Position:Home>Philosophy> I am a philosophy honors 1st year student,what will be the benefit of giving ans

Question: I am a philosophy honors 1st year student,what will be the benefit of giving answers in philosophy section!?
i am a philosophy honors 1 year student

i am planning to make a account,so i can answer questions on philosophy section

what is benefit of giving answers in philosophy section!? will it increase my knowledge and my skills,to answer questionsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm no philosophy student, but this forum has helped me to think more analytically and profoundly about topics that interest me!. Using the forum as a sounding board, I've come to sharpen my own philisophical outlooks!. The responses I've read have been interesting, provoking, at times idiotic, but never dull!. I've learned more about philosophy here with my peers than in any book or class!. Why!? It is the process of answering others' questions that you come to answer yourself, your own questions!. Whatever is your understanding, it becomes more concrete, differentiated, and mature in content and context when you attempt to share it with others!.

I would venture that you'd benefit in similar ways, if you so desired!. What you take from the experience depends entirely on you, of course!. I would recommend that you not underestimate the learning that occurs by asking questions as well, versus answering them only!. If you think you can only benefit by answering, then you are wrong, my friend! The one perspective most valued here, in my opinion, is openness!. Self-awareness, curiosity, respect, and humility follow!.

So ask yourself, what have you to contribute!? But ask yourself also, what have you yet to learn, that you are willing to be taught!?

Let your journey be a fruitful one!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Besides using a "name" that is offensive to many and thereby rude in a pointless manner, you continue to "label" yourself as a "philosophy honors student" yet continually demonstrate your lack of knowledge regarding philosophy!.

It might be of greater benefit to you to stop attempting to gain some sort of fleeting recognition here or on any other question and answer forum on the Internet and start actually studying!.

First begin by developing your language skills, especially if you plan to continue to ask questions in English as it is difficult to study in a language you do not read or write well!.

Realize that you will be studying the works of others who undoubtedly put more thought into what they have written and published than you seem to put into your post!.

Finally, if you are actually a "philosophy honors student", you should be asking questions of your professors who are teaching your courses as well as seeking answers in the library of the college or university you are attending instead of playing games here!.

You've simply posted so often under this self employed description that you've become a bit unbelievable!.!.!.!.sorry (but true)!. Enough is enough!.

Be well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You shouldnt be looking strictly for knowledge!. You should be looking for perceptions!. Knowledge is so black and white, with 90 degree angles!. Perception changes each moment!. The idea here would be to familiarize yourself with as many different perceptions as possible!. That will allow you to come to more solid solutions!. You have no idea how to answer a question until it is presented to you, and the only way you can answer that question is by knowing what YOU know!. Someone else may answer differently and still be correct!. Your goal would be to understand and identify both sides!. It will help you get to know yourself better in the long run!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we were just wondering what benefit it is for you to keep stating that you are an honor's student!.

there are more educated, more reasonable, and better answers here than anything you have asked or answered so far !. !. !. !.
but, just for the record !. !. !.!. no one cares who answers questions!. It is the content and the sincerity of the people writing that matters (to most of us)!. If you don't see value in content and sincerity then go play with the Singles and Dating people!. (Actually that is a slam on those people !. !. !. I apologize to them)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I use this forum to practice summarizing my own studies and knowledge!. The only problem is that most of the questions have little thought behind them!. Don't know how many times I've seen the questions about "What is life's purpose or meaning!?" or "If a tree fell in the forest and no one was there!.!.!.!." Really stupid questions that indicate the person has no clue about philosophy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sure, you will benefit in many ways, apart from sharing your obvious knowledge of the subject with us!. Both asking and answering questions helps to build up confidence and make you more familiar with your subject!.
I shall look forward to both your questions and answers in the future!. Welcome aboard!Www@QuestionHome@Com

seems like you haven't got hold on the thoughts behind philosophy yet!.!.!.

life is learning
beauty is truth, and truth is beauty
life is only the picture of an idea, because we can only perceive the shade of this pure idea!.

doing benefits calculation qualifies you rather for a degree in maths or economics!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It will be useful for you because it will help with exams!. It will also help because philosophy is very much about debate!. However do not expect many of the questions here to be about philosophy as few seem to know anything about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it will never increase your knowledge of the universe but of other philosopher's works who have gotten closer to the truth!. no one will ever know earth's secrets but we can all wonder and hypothesise which is what philosophy is all about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wisdom starts after admitting that you don't know anything!.
Yes, you can learn a lot by answering, but a lot more if you start questioning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It might help tame your arrogance!.

And you have (obviously) already set up and account or you wouldn't be able to ask this question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yer it will extend your knowledge, you can ask questions and learn that way tooWww@QuestionHome@Com

Umm -why can't you ask and answer questions through this account you are already using!? Why do you need a new one!?
Just curiousWww@QuestionHome@Com

This is philosophy thoughts :
Who is he!.!.!. seems like lack of self confidence!.!.!.
Is he still looking for his own image!.!.!.!.
Would one answer other's question that he first find out about himself!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The good thing is the chance given to you to come by people like me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeahh!.!. obviously it will increase ur knowledge!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Too many of us alreadyWww@QuestionHome@Com