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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why are humans so dissatisfied with their lives? Humans are the only species tha

Question: Why are humans so dissatisfied with their lives!? Humans are the only species that are! why!?
why are humans always craving for something!? humans are the only species that are so dissatisfied!.

what do humans seek!?

happiness!.!.!. accomplishments!.!.!. peace!.!.!. self expression!.!.!.!.

but!.!. what is it finally!?

the ultimate happiness is peace!.!.!.!.

isn't peace found within!?

why is man constantly looking for progress!? why is it never enough!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You know I agree with Stendahl when he said: almost all of life's misfortunes come from false ideas we hold about what is happening to us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because we can think!. We have reason!. We have logic!. We have intelligence!. We have curiosity!. We have so many things that push us forward as a species!.

We are all seeking something different!. Drug addicts seek another high!. Spiritualists seek to know God!. Soldiers seek a better way of life for their family through peace!. Politicians seek money, votes and power!.

There are two kinds of peace!. World peace and inner peace!. Inner peace can only come from within!. We all find it in different ways!. Some find it through religion!. For some, their job is their religion!. Others find peace through the religion of their family!. World peace also has as a different answer for every human, but mostly it's the absence of war!. Although I believe that's only a first step in the peace process!. Not only must we end war, but we have to find a way to get along as well!.

The reason we're always looking for progress is because we know the history of our species and we know how much better life can be if we do something about our situation, and there are some lessons history has taught us to never repeat again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I knew the answer to what we seek in life I would have already found it by now!. We are driven by desire and that desire changes as we grow older!.

What keeps us alive and going our desire!. Unlike animals we have already secured our basic needs of food,safety and shelter so unlike them we really don't really worry about that and most of their life revolves around securing those basic needs day in and day out till they die!.

Unlike animals we desire more complex things that can change at a moments notice!. Like we want that new car or that new pair of shoes or love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I will endeavor to clarify if for myself the second and third questions that I may share some measure of greater clarity with all nine of your questions!.

That is, what evidence has one that human beings are the only species 'so dissatisfied'!?

The only demonstrations we have (except perhaps certain primates and leviathans) is that human beings are the only species that can communicate to other human beings in no uncertain terms that they are dissatisfied!. However, that alone is insufficient proof that other species do not bear dissatisfactions as well!.

Agreed!? --

Note that gorillas, for example, have proved to have a pronounce ability to communicate with human beings through sign language and demonstrate considerable sensibilities as that in human beings, whose range of articulation is considerable!. Behaviorists working under the U!.S!. Navy are showing that there exists a similar propensity in dolphins and porpoises as well, which the Navy uses to good ends!.

Absence of evidence to coarse observation is not evidence of absence when put under scrutiny!. That all aside, I do believe that a penchant for dissatisfaction can be thought as no more or less than a fiery spark, say, an impulse created by and existent in each of us, and which is a catalyst that fosters growth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

humans are dissatisfied because they dont see the simplicities in life, and dont want to!. the main goal of any species is to reproduce, and that is it!. humans have advanced so much, that we do reproduce, but now, we require other emotions!. we need to have a drive, a feeling of success, and so on!. as we advance, we will require more!. yes, we could all go back to caveman days, and do just the same as we did then (hypothetically speaking- what i mean is that we could act as though we have no technology) and we would not be satisfied because we knew what it was like, when it was not so simple!. humans' entire goal is to advance, and when we are not satisfied, we all attempt to find more in life!. with our knowledge, comes a price!. the price of the knowing of anything, and of the advancement that is unavoidable!.
i hope i helped!!! have a great day!

I would like to live with the animals!.
They are so placid and self contained, I stand and look at them long and long!.
They do not sweat or whine about their condition!.
They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins!.
They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God!.

Walt Whitman!.!.!.Leaves of Grass!.!.!.!.Song of MyselfWww@QuestionHome@Com

so simple!. inbalance of life to survive!. Animals dun conflict becos their life is in perfect balance of supply and demand!.
e!.g!. the food chain supply!.
seed is eaten by mouse, mouse is poisoned by snake and snake is clawed by eagle, eagle is shot or die and return to the motherearth again!.

monies earn by job, job is applied by human but no job means no monies and no monies mean no survival!. So how to survive when money is not enough and job supplies are low and high demanded by us!?!?!?!?!? except breaking the law to survive or a very mean method like the dogs' act!. e!.g!. seeking free water without a cent paid from KFC!. haha!.!.!.but thus in return this increased KFC overhead and lower profit margin and thus cut back job supplies and cut back wages' rate instead of increasing it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Desires are unlimited and keep on increasing even if they are fulfilled now!.Contentment is the key!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

humans always seeking perfection; i believe we are born seeking our higher self!.!.!. there for aspire for more in life!. comforting our missing side by a soul mate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely true!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Egotistical desire!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because without God our heart emptiness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

u know wht!?!?!?i liked ur question!.
n the ppl who r dissatisfied with their lives r fools!.
well!.!.!.!.am happy abt wht i am n even my life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We have been given choice and free will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com