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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you see yourself? Who are you? What is really important to you?

Question: How do you see yourself!? Who are you!? What is really important to you!?
I am loyal to myself and those similar to me, I support my country and have even offered my life in my past!. I do not think any of us to be above the other!. When in war I always had the greatest respect for those I fought against!.!.!. why should I have less respect now!?

Of religion!. I take something positive from all religions,
leave behind the negatives, and after careful thought discover myself, there are none I know like me so my only answer to define me is Spiritual, I am the opposite of Agnostic!. But I do not detest them for they chose their own path with their own free will as God intended!.

I live on earth, it is where I call home and I live with humans who are not always humane!.!.!. I am of all races and all cultures!. I lay no claim to any specific one!.

You may think I don't know who I am!.!.!. but it is the opposite!. I've never been one to follow, I have always led!. My roads have been new ones not the same tired old ground!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I mostly see the negatives in myself!. It's hard for me to see the positives, for some reason!. (Maybe it just proves I'm human!?)

What's important to me!? That's an easy one - my family!. Unlike some people I know, I love my family!. Even when I dislike them!

Who am I!.!.!.!? That's tough to answer!. There's so many facets, some I won't admit to!.!.!.

I'm loyal, sometimes to a fault!. I'm a realist with optimistic tendencies, even though things usually fall through when I get my hopes up!. I'll admit that I'm stubborn, but not in the traditional sense!. I don't mind admitting I'm wrong!. I can be flexible to the point of apathy and indecisiveness; I'm not afraid of change! BUT I am cautious (OK, "afraid") of the unknown (and of heights, falling, and falling from heights)!. I don't like doing things/going places for the first time, but I'm perfectly fine after that!.

I see what has to be done, and how to do it - but it doesn't always happen right away!. I'm a procrastinator, and a dreamer!. I get everything done on time, to the best of my ability!.!.!. in my own time!. Conversely, I'm a professional, responsible, fair-minded person!. I can see all sides of most arguments, even if I don't agree!.

I try to be a good and out-going person, but I can be shallow, aloof, shy, or bitchy!. Stick around for a few minutes when I'm angry, frustrated, or depressed; I vent a few minutes, then I move on with life!. I don't see the point in dwelling - it doesn't do any good, and makes the situation worse!.

I do my best in a situation, and see what happens!. Then, I look at the results, and start the process over again (even when I don't know what the big picture looks like)!. I try to take comfort in the fact that God has a plan for me!. My motto in life is "whatever will be, will be"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I see myself correctly!

To you i am only part of the great legend of me that i see in my mind as all of me!. this answer tells you littel of me - click my profile if you wish to unblurr further the edges of a particular disembodied no-one

And most important is that as a race we survive our the last few millennia of our infancy and become a shining example -worthy of something as high in qulaity as life isWww@QuestionHome@Com

I dun see myself cos we alway lie to ourselves!.

I am the one who save your S!. Yup, it's the fact and that's me my miserable is your happiness but when the time comes, it is my turn cos that's the circle of life by elton john!. imao!.
Therefore, I am me is always me!.

Money, no money no life! as simple as ABC logical senses!. by the way, did u know all religions and all temples also need money to run!? imao!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i see myself as young and unaccomplished!. i see myself as naive and inquistive enough to become wise someday, maybe!.

i am self-centered and young!. i can be a *****, and i can be smart and polite!. i am too-faced!.

i am really important to myself!. they are really important to me and he might be too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com