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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you could have everything you ever wanted...?

Question: If you could have everything you ever wanted!.!.!.!?
!.!.!.then what would you desire!?

Tell me in detail!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Real true love!.
F$#@ the money!.Www@QuestionHome@Com



To make love to 4,000 of the most beautiful east asian women, one after another, 10 women a day for a period of 10 years or so, or however long it took I'm too lazy to do the math!. Yahoo answers community guidelines state I can't get into detail regarding that!.

Never had an Asian girl before!.

And after that!?

Small house and a family, a small fortune tucked away in savings in case of an emergency, and for my family to be together!.

Is this before or after the east asian girls!?

Actually I would prefer after!. I mean, be reunited with my family, then the asian girls, then find a girl to marry that my parents would approve of!.

Sorry but, if a girl does not meet the "mom seal of approval" I'm not marrying her!.

My mother is an Iraqi Jewess; being a semitic woman, I think she would rather see me dead, than marrying a total whore!.

Western men don't know semitic mothers; Arab women for instance, their sons marry an american woman, sometimes they will refuse to speak to them for years!.

Cultural pressure to marry a virgin in the Arab world does not come from men you know; it comes more from the men's mothers!.

I think my mom will make a better choice than I ever could, hence my desperation to see her!.

Want to marry a good girl!?

Have your mom pick her!.

Even a woman who used to be a whore herself, will not have her son marrying one!.

Since most of our moms were not whores and skanks, I guess that means we can all be pretty safe for the most part!.

Food for thought!.


I was serious about the 4,000 most beautiful east asian girls!. Dead serious!. If I could only have one wish from Aladdin's lamp, it would not be great wealth, but the indulgence of 4,000 of east asia's most beautiful women!.

I'm a lover, not a fighter, what can I say, and I prefer a beautiful woman in my bed, over wealth and power!.

Sadly though, since I can not dedicate my energy towards that noble end, I dedicate it instead, to the science of destroying a man's body!. Something I pursue with equal passion in the absence of a beautiful woman!.

more food for thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would want to have the happiest family ever, be very rich, but without having to be too fancy, just a normal life, then being married to the most caring and loving girl ever!. i would want to be incredibly healthy and have a really good job, somewhere that had a lot of people to socialize with!. i would want to be able to support my family and live a good life with them and many of my friends!. i would also want my spiky hair to stay spiky so i wouldnt have to do it up everyday!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's really important to learn to appreciate what you've been given in life!.
If we learnt to appreciate the value of what we do have, we would be happier people!.
The simple things in life are incredibly awesome ~ take the time to view a spectacular sunset/moonrise/sunrise/starry night ~ They are so beautiful & soul satisfying!.
I am thankful that I can see, hear smell, taste & touch!. Anything that comes my way after that is a bonus!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A genie who could grant me as many wishes as I wanted!. What else could I ask for!?
Yes I could ask for money, then if I wanted to travel I would have to, get an aeroplane or a bus!. Unless I had made a wish to have the power of teleportation but it's so much hoo ha!. Asking for my own personal genie would be better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

About 100,000,000$ in my savings account and that oil platform that is now and independent country in the English Channel!. The money really is just so I could get to the platform and set it up as a glorious mecca of eco friendly inhabitation for me and my friends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a guaranteed Career&Money!.Someone to love whole heatedly!.

Not judgemental people!.

I'd also desire to be ignorant!. The ignorant always have more fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A career that I enjoy, a family that I love, friends that I look forward to hanging out with, enough money to know that the bills will get paid every month, and a taco!.!.!.I'd settle for just the taco right now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have everything I ever wanted, and the realization of this is more a matter of wisdom than of wanting and acquiring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would still desire happiness!. I'm sure everyone would!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would love to heal my daughter's autism!. I would love to pay off my house!. Take a job myself making enough to give my husband a break!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I want enough money and free time to pursue a hobby at a professional level!.Www@QuestionHome@Com