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Position:Home>Philosophy> Weathered Christian vs. polished Philosopher which way to go?

Question: Weathered Christian vs!. polished Philosopher which way to go!?
I ran to Christianity because basically my whole life sucked!. While, you see, my brother has led a great life!. So our religion/philosophy differs of course!. I just don't know if I am wrong for looking for self-improvement, and friends through Christianity!. Of course I also want to test this God Theory and try and develop a relationship with him, but I don't want to feel like a coward who "runs with the blind"!. I am not sure if my logic is clear because of my horrible life!. So could I be making a mistake, or is it possible for me to improve my life, and see that I have made an obvious mistake!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Christianity is not the easy way to go as some like to portrait it!. Doing the right thing or being the good person or upholding your belief in God will often be the hardest thing!. Thousands are killed for their faith in Christianity everyday in this world!. You will be mocked, insulted and categorized based on the prejudices and contempt that many have for Christianity!.

Christianity is a relationship with God and I suggest besides reading the New Testament you get C!.S!. Lewis's Mere Christianity and perhaps "The Case for Christ" or "The Case for Faith" by Lee Stroebel!. Both were Atheists and when they investigated God and Jesus not only accepted Christianity but proclaimed it!

Henry Drummond talks about love and our relationship with God in his book "The Greatest thing in the World", I think it is a good read and here is a link where it is available for free online!.

G!.K!. Chesterton has two quotes that should sum it up!.!.!.

"The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried!." - G!.K!. Chesterton


"There are those who hate Christianity and call their hatred an all-embracing love for all religions!." - G!.K!. Chesterton

In the end there is only salvation through belief in God, humbling ones self and realizing you are a sinner and accepting Jesus as Lord and sincerely repenting of sin!. There is no "trying" him on like a cheap jacket, you will either have to make the decision or reject it!.

As for the philosophy many limit their viewpoints but like the Philosopher of old Francis Bacon I think "A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism; but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion!."

I made my choice and it hasn't been easy but it is the only path I would take now!

you don't have to accept whole Christianity in order to befriends with christians or self improving!. i have several christian friends, i go to church, i self improve, still testing the theory of god, yet for several years i'm still not baptized!. you can improve your life regardless of your belief in god!. pick a path that will make you the happiest or tread along a path of your own!.

you want to move forward, use philosophy or christianity as a guide!. consider what they have to say then make your own informed judgment!. do what you can one step at a time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there are more religions than one out there, and some of them are designed more for deeper thinkers - try Taoism, Buddhism, Toltec Shamanism for example!.

By all means try out christianity, but if that doesn't work for you - don't throw out religion all together because of one bad experience!. That would be like eating onions and deciding that you don't like them and don't want to eat ever again - if you don't like onions you might still like water melon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Christianity - or religion in general - is an excellent substitute for thinking!. One's questions are all answered and one knows that any further questions that may arise have already been answered!.
Many people find this very comforting, and a refuge from the hurly-burly of life!. If this description fits you, go with the flow and don't worry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Coming to Yahoo Answers to ask these question is totally lazy!. Go out and answer your own questions in the school of life!. Don't worry about making mistakes or going in the wrong direction, and stop overanalyzing and calculating! How long will you ask these questions, before so long has time passed that it has left you behind!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you can't live a life like others become a philosopher, if you can't do it in peace then your a terrorist!.!.

Jesus never confirmed any of that, so you can run from something but you will always run back to the creator!.

Look at the fly and or ant and you will see this thing you call a theory that is more confirmed than the very skin that holds your organs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nobody exists in a complete vacuum!. It takes some community support for things to happen, let alone be successful!. It is one thing to be an open minded, self reliance and sensible individual, but quite another to be a closed, dogmatic extremist!.

As for faith, one either has it, does not have it, in search for it, or could never find it!. It does not hurt to look and form an opinion after looking or even changes one's mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You don't need God to improve your life!. Life is what you make of it!. Work hard!. Live harder!. There is probably no God, so don't worry about impressing him!. Impress yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why not look within yourself do discover your pourpose!?
Oh sure you can join the flock if you want to but it's much better without it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would try the path of knowledge first, before submitting to the comfort of faith!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do what feels right in your heart and that you know you won't be ashamed of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com