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Position:Home>Philosophy> There is no future only present!?

Question: There is no future only present!!?
Have come to this conclusion by the simple fact that there is a proven past and that we live in the present at all times!. Sorry know it's a bit heavy for a Sunday!.!.!.!.
Anyone that starts sprouting off about Nostradamus is an idiot who is easily fooled, end of subject!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We can plan for the future and imagine it but by definition it hasn`t happened yet so the future cannot exist except in our imagination!. Yes we do live in the present and react to the past!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have to take into account the fact that though we live in the present, if there were no future, the present would stop immediately!. End of story!. So the future has to exist and is always coming to us as the present!.
You also have to take into account prophecy, prediction, and precognition even though you think it is only for the gullible!. And I'm not talking about Nostrodamus here!.
The testimony of the Christian Bible to the fulfillment of prophecy is too strong to be discounted out of hand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is always more sensible to appreciate the present, all positive and pleasant things of the past, and to plan a little for the future!.

We cannot say there is absolutely no future, for no one can determine whether tomorrow, next week or next year, will EVER come!. Just imagine all these years since we all here were born, we are still around, alive and happily tapping on this keyboard! I dont trust any Cosmologist, Soothsayer, well-known or not about the end of the world, to make me worry unduly about the future!. I shall take things a day at a time and enjoy only the present moment while i can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, the present moment is all we have!. The future is only potential!. Yet time is local!. If we assume a Creator, as described in the Old Testament and elsewhere, is not subject to time, unchanging, seeing beginning and end as a gestalt and being omnipresent, this means that while we are subject to time, timelessness is here also, even within us!. So outside the field of time in which we are immersed, it is known how the movie of our lives turns out, but we don't know until that potential becomes the present moment for us!.

Kind of a fun game!. Time is relative, says Einstein!. There are 2 kinds of gravity, that associated with mass (science doesn't understand how or why yet) and that resulting from constant acceleration!. Factor in light speed and time kind of depends on where you're standing!. Local time would depend on your gravity field or speed, yet integrates seamlessly with all the other local times in the universe!.

From the point of view of a light photon (wave, whatever) there is no interval of time between its emission and destination, the events happen simultaneously even if the events are separated by light years!. And trying to wrap your head around that should be enough for a Sunday :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mr!. Cad, I would agree with that!. I would say, further, that there is no past, either!.
If there is only present, then past and future are all parts of that present!. You cannot seperate the three, they are, as Anaxagoras would say, infinite seeds, which themselves are simply a portion of everything!. Though he related his analogy to physical/natural things, time, in its own way IS a physical thing since man saw fit to categorize it!.
Dear, be as heavy as you wish to be!.!.!.anyone up to the task will take your heaviness and make it lghter!.!.!.!.!.
LOL!.!.!.have a nice Sunday!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is to say that there is no hope but only faith, or there is no destination but paths, but if there is no hope then of purpose is faith, and if there is nowhere to reach then for what are the paths, leading to where!?

The question is about the reality of time!. It boldly challenges normal perception of time that we gather through our physical senses in the mind!. The physical reality of all things remains the same as our way of perceiving things remains constant, but the metaphysical reality of all things can changes various!. There can be as many ways to look at things as instances of thoughts!. This is the quantum reality of the universe that each thought of an observer changes the nature of what is being observed, by the way something is being observed – this is still hypothetical in scientific but there is nothing better to disprove it!.

Then if there is no future and only the present, then there only moment present!. But the question is - what is nature of this moment present - as all things have to have their nature formulated with their specific characteristics, so what are the characteristics that define the moment present!. If we believe that there is only present, or the moment present, and there is nothing on either side of it, i!.e!. either past of future then we do not have answer this question, then in fact we do not have to ask any questions at all, as then we would be suggesting a world without thought, as each thought takes place in time that spreads on both sides of our current moment of awareness!. This is impossibility and lead up to nothing

Then we come to think of times in realistic sense and see that each moment has its natural characteristics, not the feeling we ascribe to them, but the characteristics pure that of the reality of time in our mind, and those characteristics includes the future and past!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The next 5m!. are future!. And in seconds we start it!. See i said next, next is something comes after 'now'!. I guess it's about time!. It passes so fast so we don't realize it well sometimes!?!

Tomorrow is different than today a little!. Then suddenly when tomorrow comes, something better happens or something worse!. Like a promotion or you must go someone's funeral!. Saturday was Friday's future and now it's Sunday! All passes so fast!. So you must organize your day and time to feel your tenses!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


(ANS) That's the problem in my opinion the best place to live is definitely in the here & now of each moment!. In reality few people really know or fully understand what that means & even less how to achieve that kind of state of being!.

**Personally, if you live a normal average UK urban or sub urban life style your definitely NOT going to be able to live in the moment!. Why!? because there are far far too many distractions, far to many things that stimulate our minds & brains!. Most people in the UK apart from quite remote locations tend to be over stimulated i!.e!. sensory or information overload!.

**To live in the "now" of each moment the mind needs to be VERY peaceful & very quiet, very unstimulated, the body needs to slow right down, needs to be very relaxed and stress free & free from anxieties & fears!.

**The past is gone, you cannot relive it anyway!. The future is a waste of time worrying about because you cannot know what will happen anyway!.

NOW!! & NOW!! & NOW!! is the best condition is exist in if you can achieve that condition!. When you live truly in the now of each moment it is a state of mindfulness, of great awareness, it is a condition of being fully grounded centered inside oneself, of feeling very well balanced!. Sadly, VERY few people ever have the privilege of that experience because modern life tends to corrode or destroy any attempts to reach that sense of peaceful center-ness!.


We don't experience the present until it has passed, because all our senses require a finite amount of time to receive the information from the present!.
Ever thought about that one !? When someone tells you you should stop living in the past, just tell them that we all are!.

As for Nostradamus, his writings are so vague that you can (and many do) interpret just about anything you want into them!. I've read some of them!. Most people haven't, but seem to know all about what he predicted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We don't experience the present until it has passed, because all our senses require a finite amount of time to receive the information from the present!.
Ever thought about that one !? When someone tells you you should stop living in the past, just tell them that we all are!.

As for Nostradamus, his writings are so vague that you can (and many do) interpret just about anything you want into them!. I've read some of them!. Most people haven't, but seem to know all about what he predicted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The future is a given set of variables to any situation which has not yet occured, with the inevitable being the most likely!.
Though that in itself is not a foregone conclusion, as the present creates variables which change the inevitabitlity of an Individual's intended actions/reactions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You must be an empiricist like David Hume!. "You know only the things you observe, and only when you observe them!.
Turning your back to a table, you don't know if it is there!.

The future can not be observed, and it do definitely exist now!.
The future is a product of rational thinking, which accept our capacity of drawing correct conclusions after observations!.
After each second there comes another one!. After the death of our grandparents we have observed a lot of people being born!. People are living after older ones!.
As a rationalist i would say there will be a future!. But I agree with you in a way!. Future is not now!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree, none of us know what the future holds for us, good or bad and so why do we think about it so much!.!.!.i always live in the present, but i do have a habit of dweeling a little in the past!.!.!.silly, because i cant change that, i can only change things in the present, but there you go!.!.!.all the actually future really means is a little closer to the end!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have to plan, and modify the plan for the future as the conditions change!.

Judas Priest is great!. Their brand new Nostradamus double CD is fantastic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow that's interesting I never thought of it that way - hmpphh!.!.!.
haha, I feel kind of stupid now thinking about the future, this gives more reason to live in the moment, :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

do you believe that you do not have any future!?
i believe there is a future!.!. or at least i would believe i have a future!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is future for every one but we don't now what well happened there we can say hidden future is beater for us enjoy present and just remember some good memory of past and don't think to much about futureWww@QuestionHome@Com

no yesterday is the past like you say you don't know what the future holds but you learn from your mistakes which you made in the pastWww@QuestionHome@Com

The best question yet!. The Past and Future are the products of the Now! Without Present, there would be no past or present!.It was Now and will remain Now!. Now is Everlasting !Www@QuestionHome@Com

The banks believe in a future otherwise you wouldn't get any credit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes but tommorrows not the present it's the future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Future is a relative term!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, but it's only matter of time that the future becomes the present!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If there's no future why bother asking the question!? as it cannot be answered in the past!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

perpetually present!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The future is now - I'm with you dude!Www@QuestionHome@Com

of course theres a future like two weeks from now is the future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Without a future there is no hope!.lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

I find that that's not true (:
