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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is society's new focus on "individual needs" the reason the world

Question: Is society's new focus on "individual needs" the reason the world is such a bad place!?
Could it possibly also relate to religion!?

We all know that over the years, especially recently, it seems the human race is without morals, forethought, or pride (among other things)!. Is it possible that because at young ages we're all drilled to believe that "what others think doesn't matter" and that "you should do what YOU want to do" is part of the problem!? Were we better off raising our kids like our grandparents were raised!? Stict and unbending!? Or do you think freedom of expression is the way to go-even if it takes the world down with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The problem is that we can only see two possibilities: being strict and unbending, or being totally permissive!. Holding tightly to rigid rules, or abandoning guidelines altogether!. But the same thing underlies both of these choices: we've lost our way!. We've lost touch with that part of ourselves that has the power to guide us!. We've separated ourselves from Nature and attempted to live without her guidance!. That guidance comes in part in the form of traditional cultural knowledge that is handed down through the generations!. But we have declared that such knowledge is basically useless, that we can know everything that is important to know through the scientific method!. And what we're discovering is that this brings us more and more misery!. We've morally and practically stranded ourselves, because we don't know how to live any more, other than to pursue more and more technological development and material gain!.

We can't go back to raising kids like our grandparents were raised!. That depended upon a social structure that simply doesn't exist anymore!. For example, in their day sex roles were clearly defined, which is no longer the case!. We can't go back!. The only way through our dilemma is--to put it pretty simplistically--for us to reconnect with our inner wisdom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the only reason the world is in bad shape is cause the multibillionaires have individual wants that take away from every ones needs,,Www@QuestionHome@Com

That might be true but law enforcement is still based on a ultitarianism theory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You must be white!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was never drilled to believe any of that!. I was raised by very stern and ovely strict parents and i rebelled against every single thing I was ever taught!. I did what I wanted to do out of selfishness and self-centeredness, NOT how I was raised!.

I have been in the process of changing my life for the past ten years and I am beginning to undo some of the past pain I infilcted on others!.

I have a long way to go, but I have learned that people will be exaclty who they were meant to be, religion has very little to do with it too!. Some of the most selfish people I have ever met go to church every Sunday and claim to pray to God,
I am more global in my belief, I think everything happens for a reason, and that I can learn something even out of tragic circumstances!.

Now, would I be any different if I grew up in a more permissive household!? I don't think so!. I was meant to live the life I did, and learn what I have thus far!.
Again, you aren't going to change people, and some individuals may grow up with certain priveldeges and never get into troulbe or be disrespectful to anyone!.

It is all up to the individual!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it was always covertly so - People managed to get what they wanted without having to be open about it !.

We are so much more explicit and wanting to join in the debates about what is good for our society!.

I think that there will be teething pains as there have been with ever set of freedoms won - and a reexamination of whether we are going in the humanist direction or not!.

At the moment the juries out because the lessons havent been learned and assimilated yet!. The research is still in train!. In Britain the path of excess with Thatcher led to wisdom and after the me-first yuppies there was a bout of wanting to be taxed to get the NHS back on its feet!.

The past always seems more idyllic - I think not - overall though!.

We always seem to not quite fit for our own present and only see the beauty of it in retrospect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com