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Position:Home>Philosophy> What could you say was a defining moment for you?

Question: What could you say was a defining moment for you!?
My defining moment was when I decided to look inside myself for the answers to existence!. I think that once you take the responsibility to define existence for yourself, you free yourself to actually come up with a definition that will be most suitable for your sensibilities and beliefs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like the idea of this because it lets people do different things!. Ex - what's 'right' for person A is totally 'wrong' for person B!. what's 'wrong' for person B is 'right' for person 'A'!. I think the problem is that people don't take things nearly as personally as they should!. Ex - 'you shoudln't do that' gets translated into 'one shouldn't do that'!. No, when I tell a person that, I'm not saying the act/idea is wrong, I'm saying it's wrong for THAT PERSON!. If that person has been trying to do something for yeras and it always works against them, it's not because that thing they're doing is wrong/bad!. It's because it's wrong/bad for THEM!. Each person has to take some responsibility and stop doing what hurts them and start doing what's right for them!. it's great that many people are advocating gay rights, and they well should!. People should marry whomever they want so long as conscious, consenting, adult human beings are concerned (my opinion)!. But, out of respect fo rmy family, I remain celibate and I don't tell people of my sexual preferences unless it's relevant!. Why!? Because every time my life got effed up royally, I can easily pinpoint it to me trying to hide a relationship from someoneone or else to me planning to do so when I was 'free'!. As soon as I gave that idea up, my life started working!. As soon as I started that idea again, things fell apart!. It took me forever to get the hint!. Is it bad to be in a gay relationship!? no!. Is it wrong for ME to do it!? yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree that your defining moment starts when you view yourself and the external world as existing, and recognize your part with in that external world!. The start of, "the defining moment," is when you think of all that you can do here, that will make some difference, whether long term, or short!. You also think of how the world will effect you, and how what you do will effect your path!. I was about 16 when I gave up Christianity, and I think reality set in, and gave me my first defining moment!. However, though I believe a person can define themselves at any given time, I like to think of myself as a lump of clay, always molding, with no mental permanent shape!.
Great question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thats a very good question!. I like what you wrote in the add details!.

Well, there was a time when I was like preparing for my exams, doing holiday homework and stuff !.!.!.!.and I was in serious trouble !.!.!. there were lots of very important exams coming up and I was very badly prepared, I was miserable actually !.!.!.

Then I read a book called Creative Visualisation by Shakti Gawain, it was a book on how to achieve you goals through the power of imagination!.

That book changed my life!. I would like to say that my real life started when i read that book!. A whole new plethora of possibilities opened up before me!. It was like an expansion - an awakening, I started to look at everything with a new light !.!.!.

That was, indeed, a defining moment for me !

It was a fabulous experience !! Thanks for making me recall it !!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My defining moment was when I realized that I can do something to improve things in bad condition!. I mean for example that I can help poor people, I can stand up for justice!.!.!. Simply when I realized that I should not be moved by things but I MYSELF should move the things!.

And it is true that to realize this I had to look within and think a lot to realize my beliefs and opinions, to realize what I want!. Without doing so I would never discover so many important things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The moment i stood up to my abusive ex and i realized i was stronger than i ever believed!. Ever since i have been a wiser and stronger women sinceWww@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.getting out of the military, no snotty, inexperience officer was looking over my shoulder!.!.!.and telling me what to do that was totally WRONG!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Looking at your avatar for the first time!. =]]]]]]]] *drool*Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes you are right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com