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Position:Home>Philosophy> Philosophy heavyweight nick berry proclaimed "every loser wins". what

Question: Philosophy heavyweight nick berry proclaimed "every loser wins"!. what did he mean by this!?
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Excellent, made me smile that one!. Cheers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well you have to look at the statement in context, in that Nick Berry is a Loser, and yet he got a top ten record out of being a loser, and won a few bob from the people duped into buying what was essentially a monumnetally rubbish record on the pretext that they felt sorry for him!.So in a way he won!.
I can assure you that the phrase should have an additional word being "Temporarily"

Please note that in the end he didnt win as now he is a hopeless nobody probably with no friends, wandering into the local of an evening, boring everyone with stories about how he used to be famous and was in East Enders, but made the move to real acting in the Royal or whatever other Crass show it was due to ethics, and a drive within him

God Bless you Nick, i love him!.!.!.!.well I did until he made a Tw+t of himself with that record

When you say Philisophical heavyweight I assume he has got fat as well

Hope this helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

This can , only , be understood by a real loser and not by the ordinary middle-of-the - road person!. Imagine yourself to be a person with some plan of action !. Music , writing , thetre , anything!. You start with all enthusiasm and you keep trying !. You keep losing and losing and losing !. You are losing hope all the time and !.!.!.yet !.!. you keep on plgging !. Finally you come to a point where even winning has lost its charm!.!. So, you simply do what you like doing!. From that point onwards anything you gain !.!.!. anything at all!.!.!.!. is a win!.
Nick berry must have gone to that abysmal point !. Having named himself a perennial loser he must have seen the tide turn!. he does not care!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one actually loses!.
The simple fact that one tries
means that they've succeeded!.
We learn more when we fail;
than we could ever learn by succeeding!.
I!.E!. We figure out with each lost/failure
how not to approach the same situation the
next go around!.
Take Formula 409, for instance!. It's a
name brand product thats become a household
name!. But it took 408 attempts before they could
come up with attempt # 409!. So, 408 times
they improved and got better!. And 408 times
they learned how to get to the 409th formula which
became the success that it is today!.
In summary: losing produces winners!. You can't win
without trying!. And if you would only try, you would
automatically win!.!.for true losers never even put
forth an effort!.


If our eyes are not swollen shut from all the stingers from the " love glove" then we can see there is always a prize to be had once the swelling goes down we can see prizes in every hour of every day!. The prize is not always the one held high but the one you can recognize in front of your eyes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe the guy was referring this to discipline!. You learn a valuable lesson from losing, you will learn to fight back again, and you will go one step forward!. And the gaining of that exerience could be the "winning" part the guy mentioned!.

"A man is not finished when he's defeated!. He's finished when he quits" -- Richard M!.Nixon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

LOL!. People with a losing attitude always succeed at losing is the jist of what he's on about, I think!. If he'd sung that, it wouldn't have rhymed and neither he nor the song would've achieved the ridiculous level of acclaim it did at the time with all the girls swooning over him!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you must be mistaken, Nick Berry is no philosopher, or muscician- The song works on no levels, no hidden meaning!. He may be quite possibly the most boring man in the worldWww@QuestionHome@Com

Every contender, once they have contended, whether they're a winner or loser, they still have won a piece of experience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's bull!. Losers usually stay losers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that sentence means that 'every dog has its day'!.!.!.!.
you know that proverb and what it means!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The state of affairs of the world would support this theory !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com