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Position:Home>Philosophy> How i can Became a Great PHILOSOPHER? i am a philosophy honors student?

Question: How i can Became a Great PHILOSOPHER!? i am a philosophy honors student!?
i am 1 st year philosophy honors student

how i can became a great philosopher

what something new i can contribute in philosophy!?

what questions in philosophy are unanswered!? the new questions of which i should searched the answer

i want to became a great philosopher like that of kant,hegal,aristotle

please advice meWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hello Godess,
The only way I know to be a good philosopher is to talk a lot about many subjects and always answer the asked question while leaving more to be answered!.
Keep in mind that in philosophy there is no certainty beside the fact that there are not!.
Of course all question will be then answered and not answered at the same time!. So choose a question you like and try to answer it! (and don't quote other philosopher in your answers it'll ruin it)

Good luck