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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can anyone with good communication skills help me out with mine?? Mines are REAL

Question: Can anyone with good communication skills help me out with mine!?!? Mines are REALLY BAD!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?
when i meet new people, im never sure what to talk about!. tips anyone!?!?!? Please help me!!!! schools about to start!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The only thing I can suggest is make a list of things you like, and/or believe in!. Add favorite memories, and dreams to that list!. By writing it out you'll have the pieces of you that you like the best!. You can speak easier about it!. When you meet new people pay attention to what they're interested in!. If you don't know about the subject too much ask them to enlighten you!. This way you'll give them a chance to speak about their likes!. Don't be afraid to gather more information by looking up subjects on the Internet/books!.

For example I love fashion so I visit style!.com often to glance at upcoming fashion trends!. My friends visit there once in a while so they can keep up with my interests!. It's nice!. I do the same for them with their interests!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well when u meet a person always greet yourself with a smile by saying your name,,,make sure its not a phony smile but one thats looks very real and sincere,,, ask for his/hers name, ,,it all depends on who your talking to,,,if its a senior that graduated highschool, then u would ask what college he is attending, and for his major,,,if its in highschool, etc then u would ask what sports u play or ask him wat school he goes to,,there are millions of things to say,,its just all on how u approach yourself,,,these may seem corny, but the cornier the better, if u use a famous line or just some made up one,,that its not true,,,and they can spot that,,just be uWww@QuestionHome@Com

Here's the best tip I know: when you meet someone new, ask them lots of questions about themselves!. People love to talk about themselves, and when they walk away, they'll think to themselves, "What a great girl!. She was so interesting!" That's because the conversation was interesting to THEM!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

welll, whatever you do you've got to be yourself!.
but try being funny, friendly, and compliment people!.

make a joke about one of the teachers with someone and when they tell there friends about it there friends will laugh along and join you!.

at the end of the day dont worry all of you are in the same situation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Popular culture gives us all something to talk about!. This is what sports is commonly to men!. These are 'icebreakers'!. The trick, to conversation, is to find common ground with the person you are talking with!. That could be outward signs such as clothing or dress style!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ask questions!. Listen!. Find things in common!. Add your own input!. Ask more questions!. I have horrible communication skills, but I've found out that in order to be a good communicator you have to learn how to LISTEN and ask the right questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well the thing that i could say is you just have to practice (practice makes perfect) you have to start small and make conversations with diffrent people like how was your day going!.!.!.or what is your plans for the weekendWww@QuestionHome@Com

well when i meet new people i useally ask some questions just to get to know them!. from what they say it useally gives me some ideas on what to talk about!. ~diamondangel~Www@QuestionHome@Com

u got money!? I am broke and I need someone's on the house for my meal!. :P so how about that u are giving me a treat!? hee hee!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com