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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you are sick and it is your destiny to die, won't going to a doctor be po

Question: If you are sick and it is your destiny to die, won't going to a doctor be pointless!?
And if you are sick and it is your destiny to live, won't going to the doctor be pointless!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Destiny doesn't like it when you don't play the game!.

That's why there's no rule book!.

Suppose it is your destiny to die, but you go to the doctor, and in studying your case, he fulfills his destiny of curing cancer!.

You see, it doesn't matter if there's a higher plan, because it is unknown; and therefore we still have to follow our own plan!. The sick always go to the doctor, and hope Destiny is on their side!.

Destiny seems an unstoppable force, but don't discount the power inside of YOU!. There was a study released this week: there's a compound in Human saliva that speeds the healing of wounds!. All these years we've used antibiotic creams and rubbing alcohol, but we've had the power "lick" our own wounds!. Who knows what other mysteries are contained within!?

We are awed by the Universe, by Destiny, because we are blind to that same power in ourselves!. For all you know, Destiny doesn't understand its abilities either!.

There's always a point a trying!. Never surrender yourself to anything but yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What is more important than destiny, right now, is how you feel and think in THE HERE AND NOW!. Would going to a doctor make you feel better now!? Would the quality of your life be changed for the better in the near future!?

I was recently injured in a severe accident!. I was near death, but I knew I was not ready to die!. I was grateful to be alive and there were many positive people and experiences which were a part of each day as I recovered!. I tend to hold on to the positives and I seek them out!. I was less concerned about my injuries than the fun I was having connecting to other people!. I was delighted by my brother flying in from another state to spend a week with me in the hospital!. I was also delighted to find many others in my environment who I had never met, but who treated me like a family member!.

Maybe death is not the most important thing about my destiny!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe in free will!. We get to choose how we live our lives, regardless of how narrow those choices may be!.

It is everyone's destiny to die, just as it is everyone's destiny to live!. We can hasten death by making conscious irresponsible choices and we can lengthen life by making conscious responsible choices!.

If a satellite falls out of the sky and strikes you dead, not much you can do about that!.!.!. blame that on destiny!.

Not going to a doctor when you're sick, because you THINK you know your 'destiny', that's an irresponsible choice that may shorten your life!. You have a choice!.!.!. that ain't destiny!.


Dear Sotto,
When was it not in our destiny to die!? Going to a doctor or not changes not the coming of Death!. It helps us in dying Healthy!. Doctor is Nature in another form i!.e!. curing form!. Never, bereft yourself of this Mother Nature's boon and gift!.
Try to Live in The Now and You Will Not have these apprehension!.Start thinking positively !.!.and be satisfied with what ever You do in Your life !.!.
think that You are the most Important Creation of Nature !.and Nature has send You on the earth for some meaningful purpose!. Let The Now be Your Friend and Guide!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it would be, but the reason you go to the doctor anyway is because you want to tell the people you love that you did everything possible to stick around and be with them!. People don't want to look at the deceased as a quitter!. It shows lack of love and concern for the people left behind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You don't know your destiny,
and the Doctor knows a heck of a lot more about
sickness than you do!.
If you had something curable, and avoided treatment
because you believed it incurable, that would be a
self fulfilling defeatist prophesy woudn't it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

How do you know that it's your destiny to die!? If you have a proof that your illness won't go away than visiting a docter is pretty pointless!. But don't give up hope thinking you'll die anyway, if you not sure, just visit the doctor to be sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not really, because doctors can only sometimes relieve and prolong the illness, which may help to make it more bearable!. If we are to live or die according to destiny, seeing a doctor cant really do much harm either way!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

But, see, "destiny", by that definition, is totally open-ended!.
Perhaps it is my destiny to stop eating and then die!.
It is proof of nothing if I make the hypothesis come true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well dying would also be your destiny if you go to the doctor and the doctor treats you and still your disease does not go!. Best thing is go to the doctor and see what destiny really holds for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You won't know if you're destined to live or die until you get to the very end so it's sensible to go see a doctor who can ease your suffering until the end, no matter what the outcome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

um all of us are going to die but going to a doctor is always a good thing because we don't know when or what from we are going to die so we should try not to die!. that is kinda the point!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

everybody dies!.!.it's a fact of life!. also, there is a thing called self preservation!.!. most people would cling to any hope there is to avoid the inevitable!.!. i know i would!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Who can decide your destiny!? What if the doctor is there to help you fulfill your destiny!? What if complications in your life are part of your destiny to lead a richer life!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unless it is the doctors destiny to make you well and your destiny to be healed by the doctor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you believe that it's your destiny, then sure, it could be pointless!. but you can always change that destiny! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is not predestined to occur in any one fashion!.

All is cause and effect where we experience the consequences of our actions and choices!.

Be well (literally)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everybody's destiny is to die, so should we all just kill ourselves, sick or healthy!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Going to the doctor is part of the journey, does not matter what the destination is!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

then dnt go to a doc

if u dnt want toWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not necessarily!. I know my father was really glad for the pain meds he received while in the process of passing away!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com