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Position:Home>Philosophy> "Perception is reality" what are your views on this?

Question: "Perception is reality" what are your views on this!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is a very true statement!.
If you watch and listen you will see and hear that many people believe things that are totally false, and there are no facts or logic that can change their minds!.
What is true is not important, what people believe is important!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Perception is OF reality!. That makes a very big difference in the meaning of the sentence!.

Perceptions are merely memories of past sensory experiences, (we do not "remember" sensory experiences--we remember the "event" which we call perception) even if they happened just 1/10 second earlier!. (1/10 second is the "clock speed" of the human brain, approximately!.)

Reality is the cognoscenti of which you have those perceptions!. Perceptions are subjective, therefore they cannot "be reality" except for the reality in your mind!. That mental reality is real enough, but it would not be there at all if empirical existence was not the primary "reality" by which all perceptions come to be!.

I am not advocating Empiricism!. The mind is the only thing that connects us to what is outside us; it is our "interface" with empirical reality!.

But neither am I discounting rationalism as the cognitive faculty enabling that "interface!."

"Perception is reality", taken at face value, means nothing before or after perceptions can be reality!. Those things "before" are cognoscenti of empirical nature; those things "after" are conceptual!. All of them are "reality!." But none of them alone holds title to "reality," unless you are willing to admit your mind and all its contents are not real; OR that it is the ONLY thing that is real and that empirical cognoscenti do not exist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm, I don't know!. It seems like a belief mostly held by infants and George Berkeley!.!.!. two groups I like to avoid!.

It doesn't exactly refute it, but this question reminds me of an interesting study that determined that our brains actual create non-real images of objects in motion!. In other words, they imagine what a moving object would look like a fraction of a second in the future, presumably to help our ancestors avoid being pounced on by tigers and so forth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Perception is not always reality!.
It is a logical fallacy to state otherwise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just because its ur perception doesnt necessarily make it accurate!. There are a number of factors involved!. All have to be considered!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what we see is what we perceive as real however we cannot be 'certain' of anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

real for that person i suppose!.

in general, i have to disagree!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

True, what we perceive is at least true to us and thats what really matters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com