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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it possible to love someone through the Internet .. ?

Question: Is it possible to love someone through the Internet !.!. !?
!.!. as much as you love someone in real life !?
Thanks for your answers !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I actually think it is easier to form a strong bond over the interent, because it is not primarlity based in reality!.
it is so easy to fall for an interactive fantasy-as you see hot looking pictures (which may/may not be actual,recent photos)

and even if you do use webcams- you say what the other wants to hear, kinda like an affair-you have fun,but never deal with seeing the other person unshaven,sick,their problems,nagging, whatever,invading privacy/space- there are no financial burdens,etc or ugly realities to tarnish computer love

also, it is very easy to delude yourself into nelieving the other person totally lives up to your unrealisitc expectations-like that other person is just so perfect- becuase it is not the real person-it is computer/virtual love!. a fantasy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I do believe it is possible, but I think the true test is when you can come in physical contact with that person and still have that same chemistry, compatibility, trust and attachment!. Though the internet you really can only see a portion of that person!. No matter if he/she told you everything about his/her life, you will still never see the little habits, mannerisms, dispositions that the person has!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very possible!

I have known personally of my friend who got in love through internet!. Internet is one of the means of knowing a person well!. You could able to talk to her face to face and the intimacy of attraction could be very much affirmed in this manner!. There is a difference with seeing a person personally but the very purpose of delivering what you feel are the just the same!.

Indeed, you could express more if that person is not within your reach physically!. The distance may make your heart ponder!. However, through the internet technology, it will make the happening between two persons more exciting!.

Thanks for aksing!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally i don't feel its at all possible!.Fair enough i think it would be possible to begin to LIKE someone through the Internet but love !? no!.
Not that i know what love is however , through the Internet you'd be missing out on al ot of things such as learning new things , going to new places , experiencing things that help a relationship grow into something more than just "like"!.
Could you hoestly imagine yourself in something without the odd reasuring smiles every now and then , looking into eyes etc etc etc i could go on, and no emoticons dont cut it!.
Good luck on your search none the lessWww@QuestionHome@Com

Love is considering the self interest of another as though it were your own!.

What many do not get about Love, especially the very young, is that Love is about what you DO and NOT what you FEEL!.

A mother can Feel she loves her child, but if she does not care for it, her feelings are meaningless!. A man can Feel he loves his family, but if he does not provide for them (or die trying) what do his feelings mean!?

So it is certainly possible to love through the Internet!. One might give profoundly helpful advice or even financial aid!.

But all things being equal, the Internet isolates us from 'real' physical contact!. You may FEEL a great deal for your Internet love, but odds are you won't DO much!.

It's a bit like phone sex!.

Fun, but you ain't making any babies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would want to say yes but I saw this Jenny Jones segment years ago where this women swore she was in love with a man from England!. They wanted to marry & they saw pictures & talked on the phone, etc!. Well Jenny flew the man in without telling the lady!. So this little petite lady gets lifted up by this man that was not at all similar in size to her & he swings her around without knowing her well enough to know if she can be hurt like this or if she hates this!. I felt so sorry for her!. The Jenny Jones assumes that this women is ready to bring this man home!. I remember hearing later how disasterous this whole thing was so I think if something is good on line fine but if a person wants to take it to another level they can meet & start right from the begining without any expectations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

of course!.!.!.you get a good vibe for the rhythm and feeling of a person!.!.!.but you ought to exchange a personal interests and experiences quiz or something to really dig deeper!.!.!.;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Perhaps!. But then there's the question of loving a persona created by another person or loving the actual person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you can love someone through the internet but I do think its more about being in love with the "idea" of someone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I believe the bond is stronger because as long as you both are honest you get to really know the person you are talking to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

worldly love may be !.!.!. but with 'pure love' (always giving, not demanding) may be not - it's illusionWww@QuestionHome@Com

May be for others!.
But it won't work for me!. I need close contacts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. We did and got married year!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


of course!! if u talk a lot and trust them then im sure its possible!!! good luck! =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Aww, I didn't know you felt that way! lol But seriously I met my love through online personals!. It took several years of trial and error first though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because you are even asking such a question i would have to say, yes for you it would be possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dunno!.!.!.!.maybe!!!?Www@QuestionHome@Com