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Position:Home>Philosophy> Please Explain me this Quotation of Bruce lee,one of the Greatest Martial Artist

Question: Please Explain me this Quotation of Bruce lee,one of the Greatest Martial Artist and Philosopher!?
The void is no mere emptiness, but is real, free and existing!. It is the source from which all things arise and return!. It cannot be seen, touched or known, yet it exists and is freely used!. It has no shape, size, colour or form, and yet all that we see, hear, feel and touch is "it"!. It is beyond intellectual knowing and cannot be grasped by the ordinary mind!. When we suddenly awake to the realization that there is no barrier, and has never been seen, one realizes that one is all things, mountains, rivers, grasses, trees, sun, moon, stars, universe are all oneself!. There is no longer a division or barrier between myself and others, no longer any feeling of alienation or fear!. Realizing this, results in true compassion!. Other people and things are not seen as apart from oneself, on the contrary, as one's own body

give your answer in points and in simple english like
10 so i can choose your answer as best answerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In points!? No

OK, Part of the quote is directly referring to "the Way" of Taoist philosophy!.
(the way is empty meaningless and void, but it shapes everything)
This expression of the void is also found in ancient Egyptian and Greek!.
It is expressed in the early forms of Stoicism!.

The ancients had no idea of Zero type nothing and regarded the void as a seething mass of unformed possibility!. A place where everything was present in its ideal perfect form, but unformed and unshapen!.

Out of the void we (or the gods) draw this Chaos into reality!.
giving it form and meaning
The gods might perfect it (usually not) and humans never get it right because we are even less perfect than gods!.

So everything that exists is in less than its perfect (ideal) state!.
I could go on!. But as I try to explain it, it could only get worse!.

Follow your nature, accept that nature!.
It is all empty and meaningless!.
So What!
It only has the meaning YOU give it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What is there to explain!? What you quoted Bruce Lee as saying is exactly how it is and he said it as clearly as anyone can!. What part confuses you!?

Now I can understand that you may choose to believe something else, that is your business!.

That is as simple an english as I can muster!. Cheers! 1!.2!.3!.4!.5!.6!.7!.8!.9!.10!Www@QuestionHome@Com

1 we are not seperate being but part of one being
2 All thigs including the elemants and mountains trees rock etc are made of spirit and that alll spirit makes the one spirit or void if you like
3 That all things are connected
4 The void is what all things are made form, and where they return

Can't think of anything more clearer then that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh, that is super easy!.
It is actually a comprehension of Yin and Yang, a concept of balance, in relation with their innerself, surrounding (nature and other human beings), and God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

google "naturalistic pantheism"Www@QuestionHome@Com

He is refering to the oneness of the Universe!.
We are not part of it, we ARE it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

visit at www!.beyondthelimits4!.blogspot!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle as applied to space-time in quantum mechanics!.
2!. Consciousness and introspection of its own essential nature!.
3!. Right hemisphere cognitive dominance resulting in non-distinguishing perception of reality!.
4!. Intuitive grasp of what big bang thoery implies!.
5!. Eastern philosophical process ontology!.
6!. A perfect sphere with an inner surface that is a perfect mirror!.
7!. The space between thoughts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

take the keyboard in front of you for example!. you can call it a keyboard!. you can call mentally divide the keyboard into pieces maybe one piece is the 'a' key, another is 'b' key, another is 'c' key!.!.!. it has many keys, yet if you put them all together it's one whole keyboard!.

the mind segregates reality into shapes and other properties, when the reality itself doesn't possess any properties!.

once you realizes everything that the mind segregate reality is arbitrary and not real, one realize everything is the same thing, and thereby comes compassion because the computer is you, the chair is you, your friend is you, everything is you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com