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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the point of 'heaven'?

Question: What is the point of 'heaven'!?
Assuming God and Heaven exists!.

Assuming when we die, we go to this 'paradise' that is as perfect as the 'bible' describes!.

So, in 'heaven' we would have no sense of morality, since all evil would be removed from the world!. What is the point!?

If I have no sense of morality, then I would just be a programmed robot building houses with people, collecting fruit, hanging out with lions and what not!.

If there is no evil, there is no good!. What about our emotions!? Since it is paradise, no more fear, anger etc!.

What is the point of it all then!? Perhaps God missed something on his drawing board!.

I would take life as it is right now anytime, over that b*llocks!.

(No flaming, if you do, you know where to stick it)

Happy answering!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The point of "heaven" is to reassure people that the very nature of life (impermanence) is actually a joke, and the loved ones we see die, the pain and suffering we feel, has a point!. In other words, it is a place, a feeling, that is made up to give reassurance to individuals in death, that they might live and see the unliving that otherwise, they will never see again!.

It is very difficult for people to accept that humans, like every other organic part of this earth, are impermanent!. We will cease to be, and heaven makes us feel better about this "depressing" fact!.

I heard a good quote once!. "One can endure any suffering if it has meaning; but meaninglessness is unbearable!."

If people can believe they will get some kind of reward for their trials, then life is worth living!. Otherwise, not so much for them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Catch the bull at four!. Finding heaven is realizing heaven was never lost!. It is not an otherworldly realm!. It is, as you describe, static, unmoving!. THe moment there is motion imperfection works its way it!. It is only when we see with proper perspective, do we know that heaven is already here!. To us, a cumulus cloud looks heavenly, fluffly, patterned, white and pearlescent!. To a speck of dust and water vapor surrounded by billions of other, it is a swirlying in comprehensible mass of water vapor!. Which persepective is correct!? Both are!. Where are you perceiving from!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I bet you've not been in love with someone!. If you do, you can understand my words below!.

Paradise is not a place but a state of being - being with the one you love most!. Nobody will want to leave their love!. In other words, everybody wants to stay with their love forever!. This is the most closest state I can think of now about the heaven!.

All human love to live for their love no matter what, but not all of us do have a lover to live for!. This is sad!. Fortunately, this is not the case of heaven!.

Good day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

points taken!. maybe the point of heaven isn't heaven!.!.!.maybe it's what you've had to sacrifice to get there!.!.!. maybe it's because you've done what's right and no one can take that away from you!.!.!.maybe it's to be in the "presence of greatness"!.!.!.not just GOD but the souls in heaven!.

i have a question!? if there's no point in heaven!.!.!.what's the point in hell and would you rather go to heaven or hell, because you're surely going to one or the other!. maybe, that's the point!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say that I have very similar views as you!. It's the same with hell!. Maybe, I'll see you there!. I hear it's really hot and evil though!. Honestly, I need a little darkness and grit in my life!. Its real!. I don't want to live in stepford!. In some versions of heaven like Islam, you get to **** 72 virgins!. Makes perfect sense to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

honestly i wouldn't accept life as it is now over anything else!. i don't know how great your life has been but mine is no fairytale!.!.!.and besides heaven not being to me what it is to you i also believe that there has to be something beyond and better than this life!.!.!.!.but yeah that's my interpretation!.!.!.!.
good questionWww@QuestionHome@Com

that's exactly why it would be heaven!. you wont have to think about anything!. the only thing you will think about is god!. for those of us who believe that's the fact!. but i respect your belief and i wont judge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's an imaginary reward so that people will not abandon their belief in God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good Post, I sadly cannot help!. For I am unfortunatley living in purgatory at the moment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you are correct, they have never really thought it through completely, they just "have faith"Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no point!. That is why it is heaven!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you were God what would you remove from Life to make it better!? That would be your heaven!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to eternally be with God when you dieWww@QuestionHome@Com

with this attitude you may not ever find outWww@QuestionHome@Com

You just don't understand!. No one does!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That you won't suffer hell!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those who are elected into the extreemly exclusive club of prophets do not have a compulsion to steal, to cheat, or to kill!. But then there are those who feel that they would be functioning on an autistic level if they were deprived of the oportunity to exercise free reign in such a corrupt world as this one!.

Having developed a language that is based on many lies, one then comes to statements which appear logical but which are illogical!. False: "if there is no evil, then there is no good!." True: "the same thing can not be both evil and good!." Solomon has said wisdom surpasses foolishness as far as light surpasses darkness!.

There is an interesting question in all of this nevertheless, what about conflict which drives the plot of any good story, which is the reason why we live!? This is a good question, but the answer is very complicated and I can not summarize it here, though I am sure I do not know all about it!. But there are many such fine stories in the Bible which is God's world and God promises us that though "heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall abide forever!." That being the case, one need not worry!. Though associated questions are raised by that, but that is why we continue to seek!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can give up the religious notions over this question!. The behind the scenes answer about heaven has it that "heaven" refers to the higher sublevels of the astral plane, and the higher sublevels of the mental plane, and the spiritual plane!. This involves a view of reality that such that reality is the eletromagnetic spectrum from the slowest vibrations of energy (successively, absolute zero (appears to not vibrate), other solids, liquids, gases, and a few rays) to the most rapid that, again, it appears to not vibrate!. The slower range is the physical universe, then a division occurs and we have the astral, and so on!.

The human being exists in all planes at once!. Death at the physical plane portion leaves us with our astral, mental and spiritual portions!. At physical death, unless we have died violently and so called haunt the physical world, or unless we were staunch philosophical materialists, our conscious awareness becomes astral rather than physical, in correspondence with our new ontological state of affairs!.

Exactly at what astral vibration frequency we fit into depends on our personal overall vibration rate!. If it corresponds with a higher astral rate, then we live in an astral heaven!. If it is low then we live in the astral hells, all by our own doing in life!.

What is the point of heaven as I've described it!? That's not really a meaningful question!. The closest way to answer it has it that the entire matter is simply the way reality is constructed and operates!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are assuming the literal translation of the Bible!. Which has similar corollaries in many religions!. If you learn that those books are written in poetic form, you begin to understand that many interpretations are possible!.

Perhaps you could consider "Heaven" to be a condition of life, not a specific place!. Heaven could be the way you feel when you accomplish a hard-fought goal, or the moment you fall in love, or your son's appointment to a military position of respect!. Heaven could even be the moment you discover your cancer is gone, and it's been 5 years (a major milestone for cancer survivors!.)
I'm not going to pose answers to all your questions!. Now you have another way to think about these questions, you decide what the answers are!. You'll like the answers you get much more!. Hmm!.!.!.another moment of heaven!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You talk negatively about something you know nothing about!. If you read the bible you would find that God is a family, a family currently made up of God the Father and Jesus Christ!. The Holy Spirit is the power that God uses to create with!. You have the opportunity, if you qualify to be born into the family of God!. Yes, the bible says, you are to become god's!. God is a also a government!. During the millennium when Christ will rule, there will be both physical beings and spiritual being here on earth but all the leadership and teaching roles will be held by spirit beings!. God says there will be a job for everyone and everyone will love his job!. Look at all the jobs our own government has!. God's government will also need qualified spirit beings to full the offices of his government!. That's why we're here on earth, to overcome our human nature and qualify to become one of God's children and help run his government which will eventually expand throughout the universe!. Earth is the beginning, then other planets!. Heaven by the way is here on earth!. No where in the bible will you find that man has gone up to heaven where God the Father is but it does say that God the Father will come down to earth and walk amongst men!.Www@QuestionHome@Com