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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do evil, mean people get what they deserve later on in life?

Question: Do evil, mean people get what they deserve later on in life!?
like people who rape, kill, abuse, backstab, lie on people-
cheat people of their basic needs in life- have people suffer for long years- based on the foods they are eating, water they are drinking- toxic chemicals in the air- the ways in which certain people can't afford to feed themselves or their families- so disease/cancer is rampant- unemployment is rampant-
do evil dictators- governments- people- etc- get back the harm they do to others- do evil, mean people get what they deserve later in life!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes definatly! Evil begets evil!
People can get paid back in this life or in the next life!. I am a firm beleiver in that this happens!. I seen it in my own life!.

Remeber the wicked eventually die there are to many incidents historically Hitler Nero ect!. There was a leader Kim 11 Sung in (North Korea) He died in 1994 He deprived His people of the basic nesseccities!. If they got caught crossing into China to find food they got killed!. He was living the lavish life while the citizens of that country where starving to death!.
He forced people to worship Him and his Juech
ideaology!. there are statues of him all over the country!. He rejected Christainity and became communist!. He died suddenly of a heart attack!.
His son is not much better!. The citizens are refere to him as the Our Eternal President!. Like He is a God or something!.
Both have lived lavish lifestyles and dont do anything help help the poor citizens of that nation!. There is a special place in hell for them unless they change!.

The parable about the rich man and Lazerous!.Luke 16:19-26
The rich man would not even give Lazerous his basic human rights!. Lazerous was forced to eat crumbs that fell from the rich man's table!.

I find people like this angering and upsetting (especially when they are more then able to help others) and they will get what they well deserve!.
You reap what you sow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, it's kind of hard to answer that as it is based on speculation!. If Karma is a real thing, then I would say yes!. But by being punished, aren't they getting what they deserve, as you say!? I think the personal guilt that would be experienced by a crime offender would be horrible!. But even then, if the consciousness does not believe it is guilty then how can you punish someone justfully!?

The truth is, no not always!. But maybe sometime in their life they will feel the harm or pain they've brought to someone else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If not literally later in this life, the Bible assures us they reap what they sow in eternity after this life!. "God is not mocked a man reaps what he sows!."

However, Sadaam Hussein is an example of one evil person who reaped in this life and was executed for his crimes and he is also being punished in eternity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You presume that good and evil exist as separate functions!. All the things you list are facts of life and what makes the difference is,societies create laws and separate acts into catagories!. If a group finds that a change is desired, then make a new law!. And if that law don't work make a new law!., And if that law don't work--- you get the drift!. Evil is a creation to explain fear!. If you look at evil from the perspective of the murderer, the rapist, the drug addict, then you who object are the evil one!. There are always methods for us to live as a society for the betterment of all, and we call the rules good!. I have seen laws change and the meaning of our lives change with it, but that does not mean that the evil of say infidelity, or sexual perversion, or drug use, are good or evil!. We the society now allow things to occur that 50 years ago were evil!. So: Evil is in the eye of the beholder!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


sweet things never enough!. once you got one, you'll want more!. more desires you have for the nice, more fears you'll have knowing you can't get it!. more depression, more misery, and more pain you give to people for what you want, the more of sweet nice things will be multiplied of the pains that you had given!. whether the pain comes within you, or it comes towards you!. still, what goes around comes around!. it's the circle of nature, which only soul with more wisdom than emotion could detects it!.

it's biological, psychological and philosophical!. take a sweet thing hastily and you'll find it bitter at the end!. take a sweet thing meanly and you'll find it killing at the end!.

may this be a good lesson for me and you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It can not be, because you can only kill a genocide mastermind once, so in a sense of justice, the death of one criminal against thousands of shattered lives can hardly called justice, people like that (to fulfil justice) need to be executed as many times as their victims numbers, unfortunately that is impossible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there are many evil people who seem to have it great in this life!. if they are not repremended in this life, it will be in the next life!. the idea of hindu karma applies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would like think so but it think the truth is the shittier that people are the faster we evolve beyond it!. that's where i find the good in bad!. in an overall sense not a direct reactionary one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, but maybe not in this life, maybe in the afterlife, god has something special planned for them=/ besides it's karmic balance and EVERYONE will eventually get what they deserve!.!.!.=]Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Life isn't always balanced and fair!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hope they do, but I'm not for sure if Karma is real!.Www@QuestionHome@Com