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Question: Perfection!?
What are your thoughts on perfection!? If you ask me, perfection is just a limit!. If something is perfect, then it cannot possibly get any better!. Without perfection, there is infinite potential!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think perfection exists with individuality!. When you find something perfect, that does not mean others will think the same!. In order for something to be purely perfect, the various aspect of it must conflict in every detail in one another and either eliminate or resolve in a way that no one can possibly object!. Perfection means its smoothed around the edge without any rough sides; (the negative aspects!.)

Perfection is a mathematical satisfaction!. Satisfaction itself is subjective because we perceive and think differently!. Because of this, you can assume that perfection can only exist at the individual level!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The way we as humans think of perfection is different than i believe it is!.!.!.!.perfection is not a limit!.!.!.!.i believe it is more infinite than our world, that does not have perfection!.!.!.!. not like the Walgreen's commercials that show everything as being buoyant and happy i think perfection leaves room for emotion!.!.!.!.but the emotion gives a generally positive aura of satisfaction and stability!.!.!.perfection in my view is also not everything being orderly and uniform, something flawless is not necessarily uniform!.!.!.!.!.i think perfection is too often taken to be something cold and boring when really it is like describing what 3D is to a 2D character!.!.!.!.!.!.

---PERFECTION is a 4th dimension to us (we havent expierienced it)--Www@QuestionHome@Com

The laws of nature are perfect - even if our knowledge of these laws is still incomplete

Speaking of limits and infinte potential - are you familiar with calculus!?

For example the area of a circle can be calculated manually by cutting it up into infintely small sectors and then treating these sectors as triangles because the curvature at the end would by then be "negligible"

But no manual method will give the perfect formula pi*D

That is perfection in mathematics - finding that irrational number "pi"!.

And the Naperian logarithm of base "e" - another perfection!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

SCREW PERFECTION!!! Who was the idiot who came up with that word anyways! Perfection is sad, cause that means its the end, I don't need perfection and I don't want it!. The world would be better without any perfection, cause there is no such thing, its an exaggeration if anything at all!. Again, I think its a sad wordWww@QuestionHome@Com

Better, worse!. Perfect, imperfect!. These are all judgments about the nature of a thing!. Making judgments leads to a variety of problems in life and how we view the world!.

A philosophy of excellence provides a different approach to life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's no such thing as perfection to me!. However, perfection could meant that nothing to according to you, needs any improvements!. Suhc as work,style, or anything else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

* 'Seek perfection, but don't ever be a perfectionist!.'

* Michalengelo : " Trifles make perfection, but perfection is no trifle !"Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's nothing perfect in this world!.Everything have their light and dark sides!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree!. Well said!. It seems like all the so called "Perfectionists" I've ever met were real jerks anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com