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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do we all have a clone out there?

Question: Do we all have a clone out there!?
If the universe goes on forever, isn't it possible that with so much space, there wouldn't be enough forms for matter to take on without eventually repeating itself!? Therefore, after traveling through the universe (I'm talking distances that we can't even comprehend let alone actually travel them), wouldn't we have to come across aplanet identicle to earth and with living beings identicle to ourselves!? Does that make sense!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I suppose it's possible because we don't really know a whole lot about the universe yet and exacly how big it is and nothing can be infinite but the universe has no wall because it is 4 dimensional!.!. Which means if you were to travel to the end you would end up back at earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe not, because even if there was molecules that came together exactly as me, my environment wouldn't be the same, so I would turn out different anyways!.

I don't believe the molecules can come together to be exactly like me, or an environment that's the same, because chances are too low!. There are too many combinations before the end of the universe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well im not sure but my grandma was telling me a story one day about how she thought my dad had come home(military) without telling anyone!. she thought it was him in the mall that she was in and went right up and started talking to the poor guy she said she was yelling at him about not telling anyone and then she started casually talking to him for a good 15 minutes before he finally told her he had no clue who she was and no clue who shewas talking about
so its a possibilty that we have clonesWww@QuestionHome@Com

You question does make sense to me, but I do not believe we have a clone out there!. I did have a talk about this with my husband at one point and said "Goodness, I hope there is not another one of me out there-- the world can not handle two of me"-- his response "I can barely handle one of you" haha!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. The chance of the repeatabilty of exact conditions is not possible and if you were to find such a place,it would be a mirror image and opposite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i don't know about that, but maybe in a different dimension!.!.!.it's possible =/Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. But we do have a doppelganger right here on Earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'll answer maybe so!. I have a bunch of goats, cows!. sheep, chickens and guineas!. The cows I can identify individually, but them chickens all look alike!. Well, excepting Hubert the Rooster!. Hubert, the boy of coarse, is a beautiful creature and if you don't think so just watch him strut his stuff in front of all those hens!. or just ask him!. The hens all have various, different ancestral backgrounds but none have an exclusive family tree!. Some are Plymouth Rocks, and some are Rhode Island Reds!. I have a few Millie Flouere's ( I can't spell them fancy French words and the spell checker don't know the correct way either) and several Silkies, too!. I have mostly Leghorns cause they are my layers and thus my ticket to a good breakfast every morning!. The other ladies are just nice to have around the barn yard to scratch through the cow manure that doesn't get rolled away by the Turd Rollers!.( Dung Beetles if you want to get fancy with the names ) They are also nice to have around as this time of the year they hatch out a nest of chicks and I like to see an old hen with her flock of chicks scratching out around the barns!. As long as old Hubert keeps his self up and is handsome I guess the baby chicks are almost guaranteed!. Most of the time the Rhode Island Reds kinda hatch out clones!. I think Hubert and those Rhode Island Red hens might have near the same lineage!. The sheep and goats are pretty much clones as far as I can tell!. I mean all the sheep and all the goats as separate because, you know they never cross over and have Soats or Geeps!. In fact I don't even remember ever hearing of Soats and Geeps!. Guineas are in a class all by themselves!. There are white ones and blue ones with little white dots scattered in the coloring of their feathers!. Sometimes they kinda looked confused!. Well, all guineas look confused but there are some that even confuse me!. I think that perhaps their parentage is questionable and I suspect that their parents might have met in the dark of night before the moon came up!. When thinking of clones I believe that the wildlife might clone themselves pretty much!. I can't tell the Road Runners apart so I may have a bunch of Road Runners out here and don't even know it!. I usually only see a pair at a time and on rare occasion some real young ones!. Yep that about covers clones!. After all of this thinking and studying on the subject, I doubt very seriously if us humans have a clone out their!. There ain't any of us cowboys out here that would wish that on any other man!. In fact we wouldn't wish that on any other man or beast!.Www@QuestionHome@Com