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Position:Home>Philosophy> How does power fit into the equation?

Question: How does power fit into the equation!?
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Only indirect power is wielded philosophically!. It is like an acid which makes superfiscial power melt over time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I define Power as the capacity to influence change!. Really, in this form it remains neutral till its application upon Reality; just as a match can be used either to light a birthday-cake or a forest-fire!.!.!.!.Power doesn't become corrupt or beneficial till the person(s) apply it in the way they choose to apply it!.

1) In this sense, and the sense your quesition may seem to imply, in the scheme of political-influence other subtle-factors may come into play when influencing-change(power)!.!.!.

2) Such as Reverse-Bluffing, as it appears our President did to get each of the supposed checks-and-balances of our country to derelict our normal-duties, and make us believe the 'enemy' had better cards then they were representing!.!.!. when it was really us stealing the blinds, so to speak!.!.!.

3) When people are involved against other people, trying to influence the most change in one or the other's best-interest!.!.!.!.too often we stymie each other's efforts, which may work for us and against us at the same time and for good-reason to!.

4) The U!.S!. must learn to outgrow its John-Wayne-Vigilantiism, if it's ever going to be respected in the Global-Scheme of things again!.!.!.!.!.and though we have a long road ahead of us, in gaining that trust, let alone respect again!.!.!.I believe our Government is waking up to the fact!.!.!.!.that talking the talk is one thing, but walking your talk is whole-new ballgame!.!.

5) Hopefully the next administration will take a cue from its recent history, and reach out to our bigger brothers and sisters of more established Governments!.!.!.!.and help us learn the ropes of Interdependent-Change rather then the measely-dependent-change we throw tantrums over in getting!.

6) As a mechanical-principle of Physics among other like-things, Power can be leveraged to do so much good; yet I suppose even too much good applied in excess can be just as bad, in a sense, that the corrupt kind can be!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Power can only be stabilized by responsibility!.!.!.!.!.!. in the absence of this equation, power is not only harmful, but also unjust and unstable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In Truth, Power obtains as the Pure balancing of Love and Wisdom!.

"The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

poorly!.!.!. any form of power corrupts in the amount it is usedWww@QuestionHome@Com