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Question: How can we ascertain the good!?
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unfortunately, universal good is not a good concept!. good is a personal, or at best a societal thing, for the closest thing to universal good, go for the golden rule, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
after that, even the 10 commandments have a hard time measuring up!. like do not kill, well, what if the person u r not killing is killing other people right and left adn u r the only one who can stop them!? thou shall not steal!? how about if u r in charge of an orphanage and the only way the kids get food is if u steal it!?

there was another one that was pretty good, having to do with gossip, "never say or repeat anything bad about another person, unless u know it to be absolutely true, and that is absolutely necessary!." but this kind of goes under the golden rule, cause u wouldnt like it if people repeated or started malicious gossip about you anyway!.

there are lots of societal rules, or mores, these are generally rules a group of people came up with to get along with each other, many of thesse are encoded into laws, local as in neighborhood or even condo association, city, county, state, national, or international laws!. in the united states, most such laws are there to protect the people from themselves (or each other) or the government and so they deliberately limit their scope, as in if its not against the law, its ok for me to do it!.
generally i find that helping people makes me feel good, but i have to watch it, cause u can burn urself out if u dont also do some nice things for urself every now and then!. so step back, look at whats going on around u, sometimes u can help out in a situation, if so, offer, or help adn go away!. sometimes u cannot help out in any way you can see, so its best to step back and not add ur 2 cents worth, sometimes not butting in is the best thing u can do!.
as far as ascertaining the good, apply the golden rule to urself and others, do you and they treat others like they would like to be treated!? do they start or repeat gossip!?

or the old dating rule, how do they treat people who serve!? r they pleastant if not outrite nice to waiters and cashiers!? do theyopen doors for anyone!? when driving do they obey the rules of the road, and do they yield to others, or r they road hogs who delight in cutting people off!?
sorry to blather on, i know its disorganized, but heck, its 3:40 am here, adn i couldnt sleep =)

read ur bible and do deep research dont just study the ten commandments!.!.!.study the actions of real men who lived in those times in the bible and analyzed how god punished, blessed, forgived, sent his only begotten son to die for our sins, and gave us even more chances today!.!.!.the bible is like a history book with facts with itellectual and spiritual knowledge thats has been sugar coated in the american culture for just a "book" smhWww@QuestionHome@Com

by ascertaining the bad!.!.!. have to know one to know the otherWww@QuestionHome@Com