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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you try to teach people "lessons of life" which they are not yet pr

Question: Do you try to teach people "lessons of life" which they are not yet prepared for!?
in other words do you "give diamonds to pigs"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is not a single person in this world I care so much to do that!. I'll do it the day I have children!.
Meanwhile, the people I care about can go and live their lives the way they want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone must go through the phase they happen to be in!. When they are ready for them, the 'lessons of life' will surely come their way - only it will be from Life itself, and if it happens to be from some teacher, master or guru, that too will be Life's decree!.

So, there is no need either of the teacher being anxious to 'give the diamonds', nor of the 'pigs' searching frantically here and there for them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Who am I to 'teach' people anything!? I myself am a learner!.!.!.a student of life!.!.!.taking in hard knocks which, BTW is the most 'impressive' way of learning!.!.!.

If some people learn something, try to emulate, by watching me and my methods, good for them!. I do not assume the role of a hard 'task master'!.!.!.

I have never beaten my children, ever punished them severely, yet they are growing up into fine young men, with right values!. Sometimes they tell me that I am a weak parent, easily giving in to their demands; but the truth is that they say it lovingly, appreciatively!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have!.
to have the truth and not share it is a shame!.
what they do with it is up to them!.
Ive had those "pigs" come back at a later point and say ,"now I understand what you were trying to say!."
Ive also watched just as many drown in their wallowing!.
the point is one shouldn,t hesitate to dispell the darkness!.
at the same time we cant put expectation upon the ones we take the message to!.
some are ready some are not!.
the thing is at one time I was one of those pigs ,wallowing in my own form of self destruction!.
there were those who tried to help!.
when id finally had enough of my own answers I knew where to turn!.
someone was there for me!.
I try to do the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, how do you determine if they're prepared or not!?

But, yes, I think I do this with my son (not that he's a "pig")!. I think I try to teach him too much instead of letting life's lessons unfold for him!. He's a difficult child!. I struggle with trying to help him become a good person without being preachy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I may share, but I don't teach it!. For them to really grasp the full understanding of the lesson they need to experience increments of that particular lesson, thus gaining a truer understanding of it through own personal experience and wisdom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sharing is best!.!.!.and then let them think what is best for them!.!.teaching knowledge is good!.!.!.but understanding is best!.!.!.so teach knowledge with understanding!.!.!.and it is so surprising to learn that understanding help them get through their life!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


No!. I am not that strong, I am not that patient, I don't have so much time to spend!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Even I wouldn't be that harsh on my ex-fiance! ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com