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Position:Home>Philosophy> What meaning of life do you think ?

Question: What meaning of life do you think !?
what life mean to you !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
80% of humanity, the religious folks, don't need to ask the meaning of life, the church tells them!.!.!.!.the supernatural explanation!. But the rest of us can't swallow religious dogma, because there's no evidence!. Nobody can prove that there life after death, that people are tortured or rewarded after life or that there's invisible spirits running around!.

I've come to two conclusions recently:

1!. Life has no meaning
2!. Life has a million meanings!.

First, there's a certainty that death and annihilation awaits not only you, but the Earth in general!. It's an astonomical certainty that our sun will supernova and leave the earth a burnt crisp, not to mention all the other extinction level events around the corner!.

Second, the million things that give us meaning are the pleasurable experiences we can conjure up during the short period we are here on the earth, in the form of the relationships we have with our kids and other people, and the 'housekeeping' types of purposes!. What i mean by that are the curing disease, ending hunger, improving literacy, reducing crime, preventing war, helping other kinds of things!.

So the bottom line is, we only have a temporary meaning to life, to reduce pain
and increase pleasure, other than that everything is lost to oblivion!.

To be or not to be!? "To be" is temporary and "not to be" is

The meaning of life is to love God!. That's why He created us in the first place!. God is perfect and He is pure love!. He wants to impart His love to us so that we can voluntary love Him in return!.

Not as robots, not as angels, but as free men with the free will to make the right choices in life!.

Those who refuse God's free gift and live their lives only for their own lusts will spend eternity in hell with Satan and his fallen angelsWww@QuestionHome@Com

42!? Erm!.!.no that was the Hitch-hikers guide to the Galaxy!

Seriously!.!.!.the meaning of life!.!.!.that's a tough one but an interesting question!.
I think the meaning of life is to learn, so we can become more spiritually fulfilled and aware!. So our spirits can grow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ironically, it is to learn the meaning of life and try to live, to review and to upgrade it before the end of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The constant struggle against entropy and, related to that, the effort to leave something of one's self behind -- perhaps in the gene pool, perhaps in the meme pool, perhaps in a physical artifact!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Truely being happy and at peace with myself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we are like animals!. we live because we exist, and then we dieWww@QuestionHome@Com