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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is your relationship with God?

Question: What is your relationship with God!?
I am not religious and I would like to know how religious people see god!. Do you feel like he is a loving father, or a strict teacher who will punish you if you are wrong!. No disrespect intended, I am just interested to know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like to relate to Almighty God, as Almighty Allah!. I like to relate to Him just the way a leaf relates to its tree, and tree to the ground underneath, and to the atmosphere above, to the sunshine all around!. If the words of my prayers are all flowers then their intelligent design, their symmetric patterns of their petals, the colours and the fragrance are all purposed to fit within the purpose of Almighty God, just as the purpose of a flower fits within the purpose its tree!.

I see good things in the world, and I try to be them!. When I see that some things are better than the rest, I try to be better myself, and set out to search for the best!. I see that all my searches for their ultimate ends lead me to some realisations that I cannot relate by any other name but by the name of Almighty Allah!. I see God in all good things!.

Then I see bad things in the world!. I try to run away form their temptation and lure, but often I see nowhere to go, to place to hide, when the darkness wells up from with!. Then I realise that I do not have live my life running away from darkness only if I learn to look onto some source of light that I cannot relate by any other name but by the name of Almighty Allah!. I see the hope of God leading me away from all bad things!.

I believe a path that promises a man his relationship to God Almighty leads through, first and foremost, to his or her true self!. It has been said in the circles of mystical knowledge that the being of Almighty God is for man like the being of a naked flame is to the moth, for if a moth tried to get too close to the flame in its ecstasy then the flame will burn it, but if the fame is shielded with a protective glass then the light will still be there but none the harm!. We have religion for the purpose of finding God, and therefore, realising our true and full human potential, without possibilities of harm!.

I believe in the times to come the topics of spirituality and human need to define the divine and experience dimensions beyond the physical would grace the pages of book of philosophy as well as those of a much changed nature of science that we have today!. Amen!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My relationship with God is awesome, is beautiful!.!
He is just as any other good father would be with His child!. He is loving, understanding, honest and encouraging!. He just wants me to be happy, He wants only what is best for me and He will make every effort to help me live my dreams!. As long as it is favorable and feasible!. He will help me find just the right people to compliment my interests in my life!. When I am going along the wrong path, He will discourage me!. If I fail to listen, then I will suffer the consequences!. He will stay out of the way and allow me to learn the hard way, unlike my earthly parents!.
He also has a sense of humor! And when He laughs, the heavens shake and you know you've been put in your place- but in a loving way!. He never points fingers, when He scolds you either!. He never makes you feel; less than!.!.!.
He is always right there to help you, with anything!. He never leaves your side!. He protects you from so many things of this world!. And you never want for anything!. He provides what you will need for the rest of your life!. He will love you forever and ever, no matter what!
Your rewards are the ultimate!. He prepays you in full, for everything that you do for others, in His name!. You have peace and harmony in your life and you can live happily ever after, in heaven on earth!. Who would not want to have this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not religious, but spiritual!. I try to imagine the world without beauty!. Despite all that happens from day to day!. Beauty is around us 365 days a year!.!. Big and small, sometimes a thought, a smile, insects or just waking and understanding that we were given another day!. So, i would have to say a loving God!.!.!. He Encourages!.!. no matter what we do, say, express, he forgives and provides everlasting life!. He is not judgemental and the puriest of a friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We have an understanding!.
If he has irrational demands or moral principles then he needs to relay those demands or principles in person!.
Until such time I will assume that if he does exist he is rational and that he intends for me to do the same!. (I think the universe is great circumstantial evidence that this is likely the case)
I think a big hint was when I was born with a mind instead of the bible betwixt mine ears!.

I have a respectful attitude to my creator, and a thankful one, i always start my prayers by saying thanks for lots of things
I'm always grateful that he hasn't zapped me for being such a flawed pain in the!. If people hurt me or let me down I tell my heavenly father about it, human parents get shocked, but God doesn,t!. I even tell him when i want to kill someone and he helps me to get peace of mind!. The bible says that Gods name is Jehovah, i believe thats true!. Thanks for asking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

god is like my big brother!.!.!.he loves and watches over me (i have personal experience trust me I KNOW HES REAL!!!) and when im wrong he gives me conviction because the bible teaches us what is right and wrong some of it is common sense!.!.!.its funny because if stupido adam and stupido eve wouldve just listened instead of trying to out shine god there will be no right or wrong everything would be perfect buts its too late for that!.!.!.gods only punishment is when we die without accepting him as his lord and savior!.!.!.he gives us SOOOO many chances!.!.!.think about it, evryday when you wake up is another chance to come to him isnt that amazing!!! you recieved like a million second chances!! lol and jesus died for OUR sins so instead of god wiping us out///jesus gave us a chance to get right before time is up!.!.!.becuase this world must come to an end for a better world for the believers!.!.!.!.dnt believe me!?!?!? read and do deep research in the bible AND history at the same time and you will see a light!.!.!.the bible is more than just children stories which are chosen to "lighten up" the media!.!.!.!.no!.!.!.its real history and facts!.!.!.angels and demons are real and they speak through our conscience everyday!.!.!.!.some are even revealed to us!.!.!.like some was revealed to me :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

My faith is with Jesus Christ!.Because he died for our sins and rose again from the dead so we could have the hope of heaven!.!.!. God is all loving ,and forgiving!.!. He loves you to!.!.My faith with him has brought me so much peace!.!.I know he is still working on me and teaching me through his word from the bible and through prayer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I tried defying god several times!.!.!. so far i have gotten away with it scott free!. Draw your own conclusions from that

Personally, i think if He does exist He is a massive egomaniac, always insisting people worship Him! And i don't like egomaniacsWww@QuestionHome@Com

JESUS IS MY HOMEBOY!!! ( i say that with all the respect)

i love GOD!. he has always been there for me through my ups and downs even though i be forgetting him all the time!.!.!.he never leaves me out!.!.!.!.ppl think that oh GOD doesnt care about me!.!.!.wrong!.!.open your eyes to the many blessings before you !.!.your living!.!.!.you have a place to stay!.!.!.ppl who love you!.!.!.and a GOD who is always there for YOU!.

others say oh GOD doesnt care about us bc look at all the violence with wars!.!.!.hunger and poverty!.!.!.no GOD cares very much!.!.!.but all this arises bc ppl dont want to listen to what GOD tells them to do!.!.!.he has the perfect plan and he knows how to fix erthing!.!.!.ppl just have to listen!.!.

on ppl who dont accept that JESUS is GOD or that even there is one or not!.!.!.see dont u think that it is so nice of our creator to give us the option to believe in him or not!.!.!.cuz i would hate to have been forced to do this and that like a robot!.!.!.IF you dont want to believe!.!.!.then dont!.!.but dont close yourself to the TRUTH with out SEARCHING for it first!.!.!.

the bible says in MATTHEW 7: 7
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you!.

if you seek the TRUTH and ask GOD to show it to you!.!.!.!.he wont hide!.!.it !.!.!.!.he wants you to find it!.!.!.

he is loving in all ways!.!.!.no matter if we are bad he always loves us

punishing us is a way to teach us!.!.!.he made me!.!.!.i submit myself to HIM!.!.!.!.AMEN


and GOD BLESS!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe in God!. I don't go to church or anything though!.!. But honestly I think if you know your mistakes he'll forgive you!. I see him as a loving father!. I believe he'll only punish you if you were to do something bad such as raping, killing, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dear Friend,

God's very intention is to have a personal relationship with Him!. Just think, the Creator of the Universe desires to fellowship with His Creation!. He doesn't have to!. He is 'self' sufficient!. But He loves you !.!.!.that much!.

Christianity is not a man made religion!. It is a real!.!.!.personal relationship with the "living" Person of Jesus Christ!. The word Christian means!.!.!.CHRIST-like; and therefore true born again believers/followers of Jesus Christ live their life!.!.!.like-Christ!.

With all that said, a good (biological) father will love, protect, provide and communicate with his children!. The children can feel safe and secure, knowing!.!.!.that all their needs are provided for!. There are no worries!. He is in control!. Our heavenly Father, is that and so much more, because He is trustworthy and Just!. He can never lie nor deceive you!. He will correct us (out of love) when we mess up, and reward/bless us above measure when we are walking in obedience!. The closer!.!.!. our relationship with Him, the more we WANT to please Him!.

When Jesus died on the cross, He died for your sin, my sin and the sin of all humanity!. The requirement!? That we agree with God that we are sinners, and that we 'need' a Savior!.!.!.Jesus Christ!. He will adopt you into His family and you will inherit ALL of what Jesus owns, which is the entire!.!.!.Universe!.

So then, what is sin!? Sin is rebellion against God's standard for the way we live!. Man wants to live indpendently from God (which ocurred in the Garden of Eden), while God wants us to live indpendently!.!.!.dependent on Him for everything!.

God gave us His Word, the Bible as His "Instruction Manual" for us to obey and live an abundant life!. It is also His "Love Letter" to you, because you can personalize it!. For example:

Jeremiah 29:11,12 says, "For I know the plans I have for you_______(insert your name)," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future!.
12 Then you will call upon me________(insert your name) and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you!.

That my friend, is one of the many PROMISES God has for His children, when we strive to obey Him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like a father you didn′t have!.
You know that you are part of Him, therefore you expect help whenever you need it!. But to be a good teacher, He let you sort it out all by yourself!.
I was born to the Nature - it is my God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is my loving Father!. He has laws that He would like me to follow but in the same breath, He knows that all people are sinners and He died to save me from that sin!. Talk about an unconditional love!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

" God " is what lies beyond the chaos!.!.!.
" God " is a permanent state of love,peace and unity!.!.

we must be open and receptive to the vibration of life!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am not religious either my relationship to "god" is that i believe "it" is a metaphor for myself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Absent God leaves me alone to get on with my life, and I don't bother Him with my prayers, an arrangement which perfectly suits both of us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that without God your nothing!.!.!.he has always been there for me!.!. and did some pretty cool stuff to keep me comforted, even though i dont always go to Church and pray!. He is my father!.!. so he does punish when I sinWww@QuestionHome@Com

my relationship is good as well as my relationship with the goddess and the Universe!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Same as with other unpleasant ficticious characters like Sauron the Mia or Darth Vadar (Except they are cooler!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

At the moment I'm putting off suicide for God!. I really don't want to be here any more, but I'll carry on until God takes me back home!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that God is everything!.!.!.!.He is me though I am not him!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A VERY VERY GOOD ONE !Www@QuestionHome@Com


he's like a dad to me who lets me off the hook even if i have hurt him tons of times beforeWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's personal- that's all I can tell you!. The rest is between Him and me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you are your own god!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God and me!?
Neither of us thinks the other one exists!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the bible is a template for life, there are no gods, simple!.!.!.people choose what they want to believe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am not sure, haven't worked it out yet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He is love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

JESUS IS MY SAVIORWww@QuestionHome@Com