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Position:Home>Philosophy> What IS insane?

Question: What IS insane!?
i think i know do you!?!?!?!? cus shrinks haven't a clue they just have tick boxesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In order to tackle this matter properly i think you first have to define what "normal";sanity really is!. Dictionary meaning of normal: 'conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural!.' Everyone can read this as it is, but they percive the meaning differently because it failed to explain the "standard", it didnt actually fail, the "standard" cant be defined universally at the first place, because we all think different, we are unique in different ways, etc!. So it is actually impossible to define "standard" or "common type"!. Dictionary meaning doesnt help at all!.

The word normal, sanity, etc, are subjective, which means what may be normal for me may sound insane to you!. We all create different realities upto a certain point, if that(different realities) cant be reconciled with other realities then it is considered "insane"!.

I do not believe anyone is "insane", even those people in mental ward, in their perspective we might appear insane!. We just have different realities(in this case huge difference), we just consider something "insane" only when our reality conflicts others'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe people may be crazy but not necessarily insane as society, psychiatrists, and psychologist medically define it (read, The Myth of Mental Illness)!. There was a documentary about an insane asylum in Bridgewater, Massachusetts called "Titicut Follies!." The film shows how the inmates were treated (some of them catatonic): holed up in unlit cells, only periodically washed down with a hose and taken out in order to receive force feeding, the misuse of drug treatments, etc!.

It also portrays the bullying and indifference on the part of the staff!. As such, it makes a statement about the power of authority and total institutions!. To me the guards, nurses, and 'treating' physicians were crazier than the so called patients!.

I think the history of insanity in Western Culture, is nuts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


in·sane [in sáyn]
1!. psychiatry legally considered as psychiatrically disordered: legally incompetent or irresponsible because of a psychiatric disorder
2!. lacking reasonable thought: showing a complete lack of reason or foresight (informal)

psychiatry people legally considered as psychiatrically disordered: persons who are legally incompetent or irresponsible because of a psychiatric disorder (dated)

[Mid-16th century!. From Latin insanus , from sanus “healthy, sane!.”]

-in·sane·ly, adv
-in·sane·ness, nWww@QuestionHome@Com

Every thing depends on your view of the world around you!. If a person, say an autistic person, views the world, you cannot truly see his viewpoint!. So insane is societies way of separating those of us who view the surroundings as a group one way from those who see it differently!. Don't confuse this with those who truly have brain damage, which may cause them to not understand basic reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I work in retail and I meet ALOT of different people!.

There was one the other day who had to be asked to leave 3 separate times, twice by the police!.

I didn't consider her a threat, really!. She just seemed like she was lost in a dream!. She wasn't lucid or logical!. She'd think of something then instead of realizing it was silly, she'd act on it!.

Like she tried to pay for $400 worth of stuff with a reciept from another store!. Somehow, you could tell she wasn't high or drunk!. She was just out of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Doing the same thing, over and over, while expecting different results each time is true insanity!. Trust me, I've proven this true the hard way!. I used to be addicted to pain pills and all addictions fit this description!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

everyone acts insane at one point in their lives, besides, maybe insane is just TO SMART, if that even sounds right, or maybe insane is just unique, they think in a different way then we do =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Insane is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The inability to integrate oneself into the norms and mores of society and culture!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are no longer master of your thoughts and deeds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com