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Position:Home>Philosophy> What if our solar system is really one atom in the world of a larger race of bei

Question: What if our solar system is really one atom in the world of a larger race of beings!?
The converse is what if all the atoms in our world are really solar systems!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
then we'll just have to talk real loud! and hope there is an understanding elephant out sniffing the flowers!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, actually yes, the atom itself represents a solar system in miniature, with its nucleus and electrons revolving around it!. I'm sure a scientific mind can explain it better than I can!.

As to our solar system being an atom in a world of larger beings!. To my thinking this would be possible in an ethereal form!. I don't see the physical form as being the only way to exist!. Briefly to explain this is that man's consciousness is formless, everpresent, although no one can truly tell you what consciousness is, yet it is present!.

Taken to the next step, as centres of conscious awareness we express ourselves by thought in several finer planes!.

Taken to its final step, ultimately our individual centre of consciousness becomes "aware" of existing in a universal state far beyond any personal identity of physical form that we know here!. We become pure consciousness, also known as the state of Samadhi!. There are many words to describe it!. That to me would represent a "larger race" which would be made up of ethereal beings, entities who have expanded their awareness into Infinity!.

Man has not even begun to scratch the surface of our knowledge of the universe that exists beyond the physical plane, but all in good time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Considering the endless size of the Universe, we are pretty much the size of an atom!. The Earth, the Solar System, The Galaxy, they're all atoms in comparison to the Universe!. It's so creepy to think that we're squishing insects because they're tinier than us, but what if we're the ones who are insects in some larger world!. lafjds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that's exactly what i believe!
and there are an infinite amount of solar systems that make up everything and it goes on and on in a cycle that never ends
now i cant help but wonder what exactly would our galaxy be apart of!?
it would have to be something difficult to destroy or else everything would have ended long ago!. unless our size is so small that a thousand years is only a second to the world that our solar system is apart of
i'll stop now cuz i could go on foreverWww@QuestionHome@Com

Then we're pretty small!. But what if it is!? What would we do about it!? Well, we'd just have to accept it!. And if our solar system is really one atom in the world of a larger race of beings, then it could go on forever!. We may never know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If we truly are an atom in the **** of a goat-like creature infinitely bigger than us, then there may be life forms in the atoms of the stool i flushed down this morning!.

let me ask you this!. If that were the case, what is love!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

In a sense it already is!. The solar system is just an idea within your own experience of reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Then you've only just begun to truly grasp our insignificance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you ever seen the movie, the Matrix!? You would enjoy it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're blowing my mind, girl!Www@QuestionHome@Com