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Position:Home>Philosophy> I'm feelin blue..?

Question: I'm feelin blue!.!.!?
!.!.!.i'm just sad!. i haven't seen my boyfriend for three weeks!.!.i was called in for work today cuz someone wanted to go home early, and when i got there, she didn't say 'hey thanks for workin for me!', heck she didn't even look at me!. i had to do the worst closing duty!.!.the dreaded dishes!.!.!.and was basically ignored the whole night!.!.i know, i know, i'm throwing a little pity party, but i guess i'm just sick of it all!.!.!.like really, i wanna cry!.!.!.!.what do you think i should do!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The only thing I would suggest right now for you to do is relax, calm, allow yourself to let it out, all your fears, all your worries, your sadness, cry, or jump, or beat the hell out of whatever you want (like a blanket!)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When i feel like this i think things through and overanalyze them, i am and have been in your position countless times and i am sorry for you, and just know someone out there cares:), when i feel like this i get away and just go to the beach watch the sunset, and have me time, it helps me apreciate things, things will eventuly get better and now you must be feeling like dam everything is terrible but, its not,and one day you will be looking back and thinkin wow all that happened so fast now its over ad you will realasie that when your in a problem it feels like forever but its not, dont worry you will make it throug this and dont worry about those rude answers, good luck all the best xxWww@QuestionHome@Com

THINK YOURSELF LUCKY, YOU'VE GOT A JOB and do you really miss being acknowledged by the cow you had to replace!.

No to give her, her due!. There may have been something wrong, so she had to leave!. Like contracting Small Pox, Diptheoria, the Plague or perhaps her Mother has been half crushed by a run away Petrol Tanker or something else that you don't know about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Philosophy is the way of thinking with ultimate results!.!.!.

In your situation, you have to think in this way:
1!. who am I!?
2!. why am I doing these!? for whom!.!.!. for what reasons!.!.!.what was the outcome and what I should do to get the outcome I want!.!.!.
3!. does these lead to happiness!? What's your life goal or meaning!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Aaaaw :(

Just do something nice for yourself to cheer you up!. Try not to base your happiness too much on others (like your BF or your co-workers)!. Only you can make you happy!. So just treat yourself good!. Make your life what you want it to be!.
Good Luck, and remember that you are beautiful :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh my!.!.!. why would you ask this in Philosophy!.!.!. how is this is any way philosophy!.!.!.!.

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have your pity party!.!.!. then smile and remember that happiness follow those that seek!.!.!. being unhappy is fine!.!.!. wallowing in it sucks!.!.!. and that person was rude to you!.!.!. have some chocolate!.!.!. or whatever your comfort food is and go to the mirror and tell yourself you love yourself!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


then start saying [i love my self] [i am self sufficient,and can do any thing]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Then cry!? Hell, do whatever it takes to vent!. Maybe you should try to see your boyfriend!. That usually works!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, if you believe in planned coincidences, then it was your destiny to ask this question in the wrong section!.

As for your case, if you plan on doing things to get thanks and praise from people!.!.!.get ready for a lot of disappointment!.

If you want to do a good deed then do it for yourself!. Otherwise, you should go to work because it is your job or it is a favor that you're doing for the people that called you and you can choose whether you make an issue out of it or not since you had tough closing duty!.

As for your boyfriend, if you need to see him so often, either move or get married!. However, he might be scared of you taking half of his money after 20 years so say you're okay with a prenup if he'll marry you!.

As for being sick of "it all"!.!.!.then avoid what you are referring to as "it all"!. This may include your job, doing dishes, doing favors for unappreciative people and getting nothing in return, looking at things negatively, going to clubs, the drama, the same ol' same ol', eating chinese, your lumpy bed!.!.!.etc!.

Lastly, as for being ignored and crying, this website may not be that supportive since you may focus your attention to the negative answers more than the positive considering the mood you're in!.

ACTION ITEM: Raise your hands up and say "God, help me"

rinse and repeat

Now say it with me!.!.!.LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAHWww@QuestionHome@Com