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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you think of this essay intro?

Question: What do you think of this essay intro!?
A once in a lifetime opportunity is placed in front of you each time you venture into a new enviroment!. There are areas to explore, people to talk with, and above all, information to be learned!. That information, knowledge, is one of the most important things that one man or woman can have!. It can be a driving force behind change or a foundation for discovery!. However, the most essential chunk of that knowledge comes from the realization that all you know could be false!. Socrates said it best!. “True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing!.” This message can be applied to virtually all aspects of life!. No asymptotes are concrete - no lines perpindicular!. We as a civilization believe what we believe because we have not found a way to disprove the facts!. Time has taught us that lesson!.

It is only 150 words of a 650 word essay but what do you think!? Is it a good start!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think its a great start!.!.!. the good thing is that it captures your attention be wanting to know more about life and what it brings to us for knowledge!.!.!. one of my english teachers says that if u have a quote in the intro!.!. it will make the reader interested and read your essay without getting bored of just factsWww@QuestionHome@Com