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Position:Home>Philosophy> What did Einstein mean by saying, "God does not play with dice"?

Question: What did Einstein mean by saying, "God does not play with dice"!?
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Einstein was being metaphorical, of course!. He didn't believe in a personal God, rather, the God of Spinoza!. Technically, that made him a pantheist, but he himself didn't like the term!. He thought God was the grand sum of the universe, so far as science can reveal it!.

As someone already pointed out, Einstein initially rejected Quantum mechanics!. Einstein saw an innate order in the universe, and the idea of Quantum mechanics did not resonate with that belief, as Quantum mechanics is inherintly chaotic!. As Quantum physicists like to put it, the more you know about Quantum Mechanics, the more mindboggingly confusing it becomes!.

In Einstein's day, Quantum mechanics was an untested theory, much unlike his theory of relativity, which was supported by hard empirical data!. He uttered the phrase "I am utterly convinced that God does not play dice with the universe" in a letter to one of his friends!. He later used the quote in a debate with Niel Bohr, who was a staunch advocate of Quantum Mechanics!. Bohr's response is oddly less famous: "Don't tell God what to do!"

After testing proved the existence of Quantum Mechanics!. Einstein spent the last 30 years of his life trying to discover the grand unifying theory of physics, which would link Quantum mechanics with Newtonian mechanics and Relativity, the way the theory of evolution links all of the fields of biology together!.

It was said that he worked on the morning of the day he died!. According to him, he wasn't innately talented, he just had a passionate curiosity about the universe!.

EDIT: It's not what we're saying, it's what Einstein said!. As far as free will, it's tricky to say!. There are some people who say that the presence of Quantum Mechanics negates any sort of predestination or determinism in nature, implying that humans do have free will!. If you want to get a better understanding of what Einstein believed, study Baruch Spinoza, as Einstein named him as his perennially favorite philosopher!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This quote represents Einstein's opinion on Quantum Mechanics, which relies heavily on probabilistic models of phenomena, in gross defiance of classical physics!. Einstein was a strict determinist, which means he thought nothing in the universe happens by chance!. This is summed up by the expression that "God does not play dice!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

To quote Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman:
"God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of his own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players, i!.e!. everybody, to being involved in an obscure and complex version of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

when god started this universe he did not do it by chance or just what would happen if he tried this particular equation
everything is intricately planned out in order to get the end result that he wanted
just because you know the story does not mean that you made it happen that way!.!.!.god simply set things in motion in the most favorable way for his own personal agendaWww@QuestionHome@Com

no, no, no! it was not a philosophical statement! the statement "god does not play dice" refers to the randomness of physical phenamona at very small scales, i!.e!. field of quantum mechanics!. Einstein didn't like the idea that there is no principle for the way tiny particles like electrons, neutrinos, photons!.!.!.!. behave!. and that was the problem, he eventually didn't manage to unify his theory as his theory of special relativity didn't work when it came to these tine particles!. so he used to say god does not play dice!. but now according to Stephen Hawking we know that god does play dice and sometimes he throws it some place dark, so that we can't see it!
thats all have to do with the randomness of some physical principles in quantum mechanics! but in general terms einstein didn't like randomness of things at all!Www@QuestionHome@Com

God, is not a person of chance!. He is a sure thing!. God, knows all, and is equal with all!. God does not roll the dice to see if someone will get a promotion, or die today!. He already knows when all that will happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

like corey said, you have free will, God always you to do what you're going to do, he just knew your decision before you were even presented a choice!. that's "all-knowing", on of his characteristics!. if you didn't have free will, God would stop you from doing the stupid things you do daily, like pay $4 for a frappacino from starbucks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That there are Universal laws!. They don't work some of the time or most of the time!. They work ALL of the time!. We have free will, we are co-creators of our lives!. The vibration we send out Will be returned!. What goes around comes around!. We reap what we sow!. The circle of life!. Life is mirrored back to us!. We find what we see with our beliefs!. All these saying our referring to Universal law!. It is us who role the dice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yea, it means he doesnt gamble anything, everything is planned out!. and yes, in a sense, free will is an illuision!.but think of this, we have free will, but our outcome is pre-dtermined!. we have the right to choose what is going to happen!. but God already knows what we are going to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't claim to be a philosophical genius but i believe it means he doesn't leave anything to chance, like gambling with a dice for instanceWww@QuestionHome@Com

that everything has a plan; He doesn't just 'gamble' with things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he meant that we can figure out natural processes if we try hard enough!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

like he doesnt think he should chance ANYTHING!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com