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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that almost all men are . vulnerable in the presence . of a beautif

Question: Do you think that almost all men are !. vulnerable in the presence !. of a beautiful woman!?
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A beautiful woman does have an 'Effect' on the male species!. On some more than the other!.!.!.but none can deny the truth!.

In HIndu mythology there are instances where beautiful Apsaras (nymphs/celestial maidens) are given the duty to entice some Rishi/Yogi/Ascetic away from their Tapasya (severe penance/austerity to achieve spiritual salvation)!. And they have succeeded!. So you can imagine the plight of common men, when even those with vows of austerity have been unable to resist a beautiful woman's charm, if she puts her mind to lead them astray!.

In my experience it is noticed that almost all men become more attentive, perk a bit up, forget that slouch, even pass the message somehow to their other male counterparts somehow and feast their eyes, when a beautiful woman enters an office/room!. Those who are badly done come forward to fawn/fuss over the dame!!!

So Yes, you can say most men are vulnerable to some degree!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most men are susceptible to beauty in all it's forms; especially that of a women!.

However, beauty alone does not make him vulnerable it provides the inclination for him to want to know the woman better!.

When a man experiences love is when he truly allows himself to be vulnerable!.

A woman has the ability to either take advantage of his vulnerability for her own gain or empower him by allowing him to express this side of his nature without fear!.

Samson and Deliah is a classic example of both sides of the story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes indeed--the straighter i am, the more fearful i become!. Most beautiful and straight women usually make it their quest to exude as much sensuality or sexiness, as they can!. Great caution, trials, tests, etc are essential to ascertain that a beautiful one is looking for genuine love and not to hitch on someone's fame or chasing after material resources!. But a lust for beauty is always there and men always become soft and vulnerable before a woman!.

But in a world of increasing luxury and decreasing morals and virtues, it is almost impossible to find an absolute beauty with a heart of gold!. So some poor men become confirmed bachelors!. Other more adventurous ones seek their loves in a foreign land, usually a Third world country!. Wonder why should society, esp the media nowadays make so much fuss, money and heart-pain out of beauty! Boo!.!.!.hoo!.!.!.!.hoo!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds true enough!.
I wonder if we are vulnerable in the presence of any beauty!.
Does it disarm us, or do we lower our guard, in an attempt to be open to it!.
On the other hand there are a lot of beautiful women, vulnerable with an abusive partner who no longer sees her beauty!.
So I guess it is all in the eye of the beholder!.
Women are beautiful, so I would say "in the presence of the beauty of women"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, almost no one is above vulnerability or temptation!.

However, there are ways to dull the effect (aside from castration); Keeping in mind that beauty is only skin deep and character is most important to have any respectful beneficial connection!. Once someone's character repulses or attracts you, the outside will matter very little!.

And it isn't wrong to want beauty and character!.


ya but not all the times!.!.!. because It depends on how a male is related to a female! Therefore please note that, strength and kind of relationship will guide our actions and ractions towards the opposit gender, either male or female, ugly or beautiful , old or young, and black or white, it doesnot matter much in the long run!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!.!.!.!.!. in the ultimate analysis, men are prepared to go some distance for the beautiful woman, but not the whole nor blindly!.!.!.!.!.!. the beautiful woman needs to be highly intelligent as well to be able to manipulate men to any major extent beyond gaining immediate minor favors!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

What is man if not master of his own will, wit and wile!.

**Menfolk of our clan have little beauties clustering about them attentively seeking simply a kind word or benevolent glance, I would conclude the suffering is equal for those that suffer so readily simply for sufferance sake!.!.**Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not all, but most!.
It is amazing what power a woman can have around men!. Especially if s a woman is confident in her sexuality!.
I am 58 and it still works!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some, get vulnerable in the presence of a smart woman too!!!
If she is beautiful as well, so much the better!

Almost all women are vulnerable in the presence of George Clooney!.!.!.!.

I think that almost all men are vulnerable in the presence of women, especially when those women express femininity!.!.!. that part they lack and they constantly search for!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.pretty much, yes!.!.!.only "some" are good a pretending to not notice!.!.!.I get a "kick" out of watching "those" guys because there is always a little tell-tale sign even if they are trying to hide it :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Agree!. A Beautiful woman is a stimulant for the male hormones and somehow helps drop their defences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol, thats a good question
and my answer is yes thats what evalution has made the human race like, its da same with some speasies of birds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would think so if it just so happens to be one of the several times a second they're allowing their little brain to have an opinionWww@QuestionHome@Com

some!. some of them still think their better than them and still treat em like dirt!.!.!. but most guys yeh!.!. get all clumsy and stuttered!. its funny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sure - all men are vulnerable to the pleasures of the flesh !Www@QuestionHome@Com


Hard to get a good deal, if you can't conceal how much you like the product!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sure because all the blood runs from the brain to the crotch!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

80% of those not so "mature", say under 40, but not all, OK!.!.!.

Not all kids love to eat candy, do you know that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com


What I think is beautiful may not be to some!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

most but not all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Or at least have a "foggy brain!.!.!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's Ok To Look As Long As They Don't Touch!.
That Means NOWww@QuestionHome@Com