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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is knowledge enough to understand?

Question: Is knowledge enough to understand!?
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It can be, though it is not nearly enough to reach wisdom!. From there, it is even another giant step to reach philosophical!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that depends on your defenition of Knowledge!. Some may think that knowledge is like fact- or a truth in the world!. Therefore the more of this knowledge that is attained, the more you will understand!. However, this idea is relatively mechanical and is like a metaphor that A=B=C; EX: like if you have knowledge, you will understand!. If you do not have knowledge, it is not enough to understand!. BUT I believe that knowledge is like factual evidence, and that factual evidence alone is not enough to understand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!.!.!.!. intelligence and comprehension are what you understand with!. I have knowledge of algebra!.!.!.!. but have no comprehension or intelligence about it and so, I am math stupid!. :)= I have intelligence, knowledge and comprehension about music!.!.!. therefore, of course, I understand it!. Make any sense!? Very interesting question!. Deserves a star :))Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think, as a young child we all start off by acquiring elementary knowledge about the world such as names of objects, colours, counting and basic day-to-day actions!. Then we depend largely on our Memory, to point or say the name of things mentioned by another person, thus confirming that we finally understand what's being spoken or asked!. Memory is a most important ingredient to all learning!.

As we progress through the years and levels of education we acquire more facts, figures, skills of whatever we are learning, and our knowledge and understanding grow!. The more positive experiences one has, which translate into more solid knowledge and understanding, the better equipped he is,in tackling all types of problems!.

But new knowledge sometimes grows at a very slow pace, esp when one leaves school or retired from working, and some of the older knowledge gets forgotten, little by little as we grow older and become senile--so very sad, of course! So the most ideal situation for all knowledge and understanding to be retained and become progressive is to ensure our memory stays at peak performance and that we push ourselves with another important ingredient, Passion!. That will ensure that we have good understanding and wisdom about the essential things in Life, in order to survive really well, for as long as possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you have knowledge, then you must understand, am I right!?

Understanding is merely the path to knowledge, which is a valuable tool!. Short answer: yes, knowledge is of course enough to understand!.!.!. we understand many, many complex and wonderful concepts about ourselves, others, and the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you can read, you have knowledge!. Now, go read a book on advanced theoretical physics!. Good luck with that!.

You have the basis to build understanding!. The rest is a lot of work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no!. not at all!. you could know every fact written about something in life yet not understand it one bit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com