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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is your security provided through internal or external measures?

Question: Is your security provided through internal or external measures!?
Do you feel you receive your highest security in life through internal or external aspects!?

Note: I know that security is based upon both-- I want to know which provides you the highest level of security!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Human nature is vicious!. If not for the Rule of Law, and it being an understood part of our society!.!. there can easily be bands of 100s of roving young adults/teens roving, looting, raping, etc!. -- just like for 10,000s of years of human evolution!. It's impossible to provide internal security -- unless you're talking about emotion, and a warm/fuzzy content feeling!.!. still, which was nutured, brought by a mom, or wife/husband and children, relatives, etc!. and/or money for comfort!. But, the bottom-line is how society fixes security vs!. random or targeted crimes -- which clearly still occur, horribly on the news every night!. But, your best hope when you close windows, lock doors at night -- is a society of people that don't seek, and protect against what was common for nearly everyone not living in a castle, for human history!. (think about it)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Internal measures!. I have some things that will remain for me no matter what else changes around me!. All physical reality is subject to change without notice!. The eternal spiritual truths do not shift and fall away like the physical world does!.

My reality is provided by my relationship with Jesus Christ!. He said, "I will never leave you or abandon you!." I believe Him and for 37 years He never has!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Internal!.!.!.with some external such as a little extra money left over!.!.!.but I have a Pollyanna type belief all will work out fine!.!.!.lol!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

security must be internal
if external ,became not securityWww@QuestionHome@Com