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Position:Home>Philosophy> If all the violent people where destroyed, would the world be a better place ?

Question: If all the violent people where destroyed, would the world be a better place !?
And if only peaceful persons remained, who destroyed the violent ones and what happens to the ones destroying the violent ones !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Violence is a concept that exist differently in different groups of people or nations!. So does the concept of peace!.

2!. Violence is a kind of emotion in action that harms people!. So, as long as emotion exists, the ways people express will introduce violence in some way!. So, there's not much we can do to eliminate violence as people are there with emotions!.

3!. I think what you mean was the violent people who have records of violence!. If this is the case, you assume no new people with volience will come into the play!. I think this thought does not work!.

So, volience is not a thing that you can easily remove with kind of killer!. It is in our nature that we have emotion!. We have to learnt how to use it peacefully!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All person perpetuate some form of violence on themselves and on others!.
Some choose to eat meat, which was once a living being!.
Farmers plow the earth, ripping it open!.
Humans utilize fire which pollutes the air and effects all beings!.
As wonderful as birth is, it is a violent action of expelling a child from the safety and security of the womb!.
The planet itself, with its weather systems and geological movements can be very violent!.
According to supposed revelations, even the kami or gods themselves are violent!.

Perhaps what we view subjectively as violence is a natural part of the reality of being!.

Be well and accept what is for what it is and do not look for it to be more than that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Violent people arent born, they're made!.
If you kill all the current violent people, they will still be more on the way!.

In the world today money, religion and sex (and sometimes stress) drive violence!.
Since these things will never go away, neither will violence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, new violence would emerge!. Someone trying to gain power now that those above them have been "destoryed"!. Its part of the human workings!. Someone will become gretty or power hungry enough to be violent!. Very violent!. Then of course new offspring would emerge and someone will eventually grow to become violent natured!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. The world would be a better place!. The violent people destroyed themselves - with the last one receiving a fatal wound that killed him shortly after he killed the second-to-last violent person!.

I'll skip the discourse on human nature, what makes people violent and so forth!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, people always find a way to make the world bad for eachother in destorying violence and trying to prevent it these people would find more specific means of defining this until all of them became viocus monsters worse than what they were trying to destroy (lol)Www@QuestionHome@Com

If the so called peacful people remained,they would now be the violent ones,because they are the ones who destroyed the violent ones!.

I think it's unfortunate how terrible people can make others just like them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nature is violent!. Man is part of nature!. Man is violent!. To remove all violent people, no people would remain!. Just because many chose to act a certain way doesn't mean they are incapable of acting another!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if a plane crashes on an island where do you bury the survivors!?
there is no killing violent people because it would make the people doing the killing violent even if they did lethal injection which they say hurts like hell!. There will be bloodWww@QuestionHome@Com

Unless, of course, they destroyed one another, perhaps!.

And the last man standing was so stricken with guilt that he abandoned armed force forever!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

and the follow-up question: "if all the generals and politicians were put into one big field, would all wars end!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Then the peaceful people would want a change from so much peacefulness that they would become violentWww@QuestionHome@Com

Do any people exist who do not have the potential for violence!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

No because whenever i read questions like this i tend to get violentWww@QuestionHome@Com

no, we ALL have the capability to be violent!. the best thing is to supress that urge to get very angryWww@QuestionHome@Com