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Position:Home>Philosophy> How can i find my purpose in life? Life at the moment just feels meaningless to

Question: How can i find my purpose in life!? Life at the moment just feels meaningless to me :S!?
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F**K PHILOSOPHY!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many of the advice given here is very similar to Western philosophy - treat the symptoms!. If you feel depressed, do something to fill it!. If you are sad, do something happy!. But the truth is, as humans, we only feel true happiness when we lose ourselves!. When we throw ourselves into something that is greater than ourselves, we experience satisfaction and fulfillment at the same time we forget our individual ideas!.

Your worldview determines how your purpose in life is played out!. What do you believe!? Reflect and think about it!. Are you an atheist!? If so, are you existentialist!? Then life has no meaning - this type of postmodern thinking states that you need to create your own meaning because there is no true meaning!.

I encourage you to seek out your own worldview - figure it out and then, if you feel that you don't have a satisfactory one, seek out one that gives you purpose and meaning!. This will help give direction in your life!. Personally, I would encourage you to look into the Christian worldview, but it's your life and you need to look around!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So you're feeling lost and without a reason to be; if it's a comfort to hear: there are others that feel in a similar way!. If what you're searching for is reason; an ultimate goal or 'destiny' then I can't help you as I don't believe in fate!. My view is far more optimistic!. I have always enjoyed 'self applied meaning', by this I mean that anything you do is meaningful, else you wouldn't be doing it! A walk in the park or even the washing up can be reason enough to exist!. It might be worth looking into the subject of mindfulness for more info!. Existentialism is another subject that I found very useful, Jean Paul Sartre in particular has a very empowering take on things!. If you get really lost, best thing to do is have a cup of tea and start over!.

All the best!. :o)Www@QuestionHome@Com

so, you're feeling unimportant,
'cuz you've got nothing to say,
and your life is just a ramble,
no one understands you anyway

well, I've got a piece of news, son,
that might make you change your mind,
your life is historically meaningful,
and spans a significant time

slumber will come soon,
and you are helping put it to sleep,
side by side we do our share faithfully
assuring that slumber will come soon

well, now do you feel a little better!?,
lift up your head and walk away,
knowing we're all in this together,
for such a short time anyway

there is just no time to parade around sulking,
I would rather laugh than cry,
the rich, the poor, the strong, the weak,
we share this place together,
and we pitch in to help it die,
we pitch in to help it die

I'm not to good at giving morals,
and I don't fear the consequence,
if life makes you scared and bitter,
at least its not for very longWww@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone experiences periods of mild depression and concomitant periods of mild elation!. This is part of the definition of a normal personality!.

If you need a change in direction, consider various options and take action!. Once action begins your attitude should change and for good reason because, !.!.!.you will be doing something!.!.!.yourself!

Good luck; you can do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go do something for others!. Seriously!. It'll take your mind off yourself and you just may get to know yourself better!.

What do you believe in!? Being nice to dogs!? Volunteer at the animal shelter!. Pollution!? Volunteer at Green Peace!. You get the idea!. '

The only way I've found to get to know more about ones self is by interacting with other people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Theres a Bach flower remedy for this exact problem!.!.!.'one squanders oneself, has unclear objectives, is internally dissatisfied, as one cannot find ones lifelong task'!.!.!.!.!.sounds about right, eh!? the remedy is Wild Oat, and it cures you from being 'directionless'!.!.!.!.even if youve never heard of the Bach flower remedies, even if youve heard of them but dont believe in them!.!.!.!.what have you got to lose by trying them!? it'll cost you under £7, nothing will happen instantly, so just buy it and use it everyday until the answers become clear as to your 'life's work'!.!.!.!.!.!.good luck xWww@QuestionHome@Com

Just imagine if there was a meaning or purpose in life!.!.!. and then you fulfilled your purpose!. What would you do then!?!?!?!

Life has no meaning, you're here because your mum and dad got it on!. Just make the most of the time you have (it runs out quick if you don't)!.

Or if you want a quick fix, go and get pissed!.!.!. works for me :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i feel the same
life is a race, there are 2 different types of people, some think only one can win so there is no point racing but the other type of person believes that the fastest person wins so it is worth try to see if you can win!.
SO!.!.!.Who are you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

What do you want from life!. Do you want to travel!? Be a bum!? Want a family!? Ask yourself what you want!. Go for a jog and have a good think, come home write down what you want and go for it my mate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like life you have to make up as you go along I suggest meditating on a long list of close to impossible things you would like to do and then go for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

learn to juggle!. seriously it will give your life meaning and it's a great way of meditating!. you won't understand until you learn and do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Without meaning life IS meaningless!. You want meaning - add it!. You want purpose - define one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hug, hug and hug!.!.
Just hug someone!.!.A puppy or a friend!.
Sometimes its good to express loneliness!. It is just being true to oneself!. Then get revitalize again!.!.!.Have fun!.^^Www@QuestionHome@Com

Let me know if you find out brother
If you can afford it you might try learning to play the bass people always looking for a bass player!. Music is fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i feel like that sometimes, it doesnt last long before something comes along and tbh you forget all about it


Try volunteering!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

carpe diem!. :)
live by that!.
it means "seize the day"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Barnes & Noble, Author: Rick WarrenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Do something nice for someone else!. That always makes me feel good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your purpose is to be happy!./Www@QuestionHome@Com

escape to a form of art, it really helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

tell me why, n al tel u how!.Www@QuestionHome@Com