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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you settle for less when your older or want more?

Question: Do you settle for less when your older or want more!?
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Oh! I think that as you get older (and wiser) you settle for a little less, as your expectations aren't quite as high as when you are a youngster!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think how much we expect from life never changes, only the nature of our expectation does!. When we are young we settle for youngish desire, a whistle, a sweet, a toy motorcar, or a pair of tennis rackets could sort us out, but as we grow older our expectations change, and the level of our settlement with life starts to rise too!. Then we need actual motorcars, nicer houses, better positions of work and higher status in society!. We all know how engaging materialistic pursuits could be for people well matured into life!. We indulge into things of our need, necessity and desire one after the other until we start to realise that the things we used to fancy and desire most no longer hold the same place in our in the fascinations of mind!.

I think, as we grow older we learn to settle for less in materialistic sense, but we expect more in terms of our needs for peace and comfort, authenticity of our views and opinions, our need for honour and credibility among other people, our need for social approbation and adjustment!. Then we come to realise our spiritual needs more powerful than anywhere before in our life!. We wan to know if our life has been of some good use living, and if we have been good in our enterprises through life!. When older, and if our mind is still alive, we are more likely to think about the reality of life, the meanings of life-after-death and about our relation with the rest of the world and Almighty God!.

In this sense I would say all that we desire, and feel happy to settle with, in the earlier parts of our life, we want to have for the good of the ultimate meanings of our life!. We want to ensure if our life, and all the things we define our life with, have been of some worth at all!. Unlike anytime of our young age at this stage we would never settle for a negative as an answer, the answer has to be an affirmative!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both - I think your values change!. It seems to me that you start to "settle" for less of what you used to want to have, like, the latest cool stuff, a beautiful home, fun times with friends, wild sex, career "success" / promotion, and the approval of the cool crowd!. And it seems you want more of things that are harder to pin down, like more "quality time" with your loved ones, more of the quirky things that make you happy even though they may be dorky, more job security, more genuinely good sex (even if it's less), more thoughtful experiences like travel and museums, more creative satisfaction regardless of fame, and more respect from people you never even used to notice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you want material solid stuff when your'e younger like a great music collection, a hot boyfriend/girlfriend, a really great wardrobe of clothes,fab holidays, cash to have fun with and so on!.Hopefully 2 decades later (or more) you appreciate different things, family,friendship,loyalty, integrity etc It's not that you settle for less, it's just that your priorities have changed!. You'll know what I mean when you get there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some people wants more (material things) if they learned that no one he can depends on or he has to have more to settle his feelings of secure or confidence or others!.!.!.

Some people wants less (material) when they understand that they eventually need less things to satisfy themselves !.!.!.

Life is about actualizing oneself to his own meaningful life!. Some people need more resources while others know that they need less after some real life experience!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was thinking about this last night! How weird!.!.!.I can only speak personally but I want more!.!.!.I was thinking about my main acheivements!.!.!.in my career and family life!.!.!.and I have done some amazing things so far!.!.!.especially in my career!.!.!.but I want more!.!.!.I want the next stage of my career to be really big!.!.!.which is actually a tall order as I already mentioned I have acheived quite a lot already!.!.!.now my family is complete (2 kids) and I am 35!.!.!.I am ready to go for certain things in a big way!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am 37, and not having acheived much thus far, I still want it all!. However, I have realised what is important to me!. I want a career that I enjoy, the love of a good partner, and security!. I don't really need material things!. I would however say that one should never settle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh much less!. you have most the things you want !.!.!. enough to last the lifetime!. Might spend a bit more on leisure and holidays, but much less on furnishings amd household things!. also enough clothes to last for ages, don't have to keep up with fashions etc,Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I was younger, I had so many ideas and things I wanted to do, when I grew older, I figured out some of those things weren't possible, then I started having ideas and things that I wanted to do that were possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are certain things you cannot do when you don't have the wealth!. Once you finally do, then, you want more!. I wanted a top digital camera, now I have it!. I wanted an Apple Macbook, got it!. Now about that really big tv!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a lot less you realize that 99!.9% of what you thought was importent is not importent!.when you face death every day!.

example sports is worthless

a waist of energyWww@QuestionHome@Com

No, actually you dont settle for less - or shouldnt do!.
You want the whole thing as you want it - life is too short to wish some time on that you hadnt settled for less but had gone for everything!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's just like when you're young!. Some do, some don't!. We're all still different individuals, maybe even more so, even as we get older!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

want more more more i think!. but im less picky!. its hard to explain!!!!!!
like i want more expensive stuff now but i was more demanding then!. idk!. lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

I have found that the older I get the more I want!. I just focus on the specifics of what I want these days!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your expectations merely come closer into alignment with your capabilities!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the parameters just change
I want to get more out of life but I don't need anything more in my life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well by the time you are my age you pretty much have everything that you require so I say LESSWww@QuestionHome@Com

you settle for less material and more freedom to just beWww@QuestionHome@Com

Settle for less!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

About the same but I'm more willing to compromise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes you do much lessWww@QuestionHome@Com
